5 Mid-Year Resolutions for Organized Memory Keeping

Digital Photography Tips Productivity Advice

A few weeks into any given new year most people have lapsed on their resolutions. Some counter the tradition by not setting any goals or try to go minimalist with just one actionable item. And by mid-year, most of us are ready to start fresh.

5 Mid-Year Resolutions for Organized Memory Keepin

When it comes to your family stories, there are several easy commitments you can make that won’t leave you fearing failure. These are the building blocks of honoring your memories.

1. I will take my camera with me. Avoid missing outstanding photo opportunities by making a habit of having your camera in your purse or bag. Search for “project 365” to find clever ideas for daily photos.

2. I will protect my memories. We used to save negatives in a fireproof box, but your whole computer can’t live inside that box. Backup your images to the cloud or external hard drives.

3. I will share my photos with others. Your pictures are not pleasing anyone sitting on your hard drive or in a box. Upload your images to Facebook or Flickr. Print doubles and hand out to family members. Keep several frames for rotating images.

4. I will journal on a regular basis. Your words are as vital as the photographs you take. Put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard each week to detail your life as it is right now.

5. I will tackle my backlog. Where are your photos from 1994? Use the marvels of modern technology to digitize and archive your prints. Set small goals to make it less challenging.

Like any hobby or creative endeavor, memory keeping takes time, patience and commitment. Use the baby step approach to tackle one resolution at a time. Focus on the importance of your memories to stay motivated for the rest of the year.

This post previously appeared on Complete Organizing Solutions.

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  1. TK

    Great tips!

  2. Stephanie Medley-Rath

    I send anywhere from 4-12 photos with my Christmas cards that go to family members. I usually hit a deal like 100 free prints from Shutterfly. All of my family lives far away and not all of them are online so it’s an easy way for them to get new photos and see what’s going on in our life.


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