Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

Scrapbook Storage and Organization Simple Living

Whenever I share a new layout on Instagram, I often receive comments about the aqua crib spring in my office.

More than two years ago I actually blogged about this for Ella Publishing, but I thought it was time to archive that story here at Simple Scrapper.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

This story starts in 2005, when a coworker offered me a crib. I was not pregnant at the time, nor would I be for six more years. I moved said crib three times, from basement to storage locker to basement and another basement.

When it came time to assemble it for my daughter’s arrival last year, we discovered several important (and proprietary) pieces were missing. This being a (shh) drop-side crib, we were not able to order replacement parts. With few options, we bought a brand new crib and returned this hand-me-down to the basement.

And there that poor drop-side crib sat, no one wanting it, until I saw this on Pinterest. With a new workspace in need of functional and beautiful wall decor, I knew what had to be done.

I dragged the spring out of the basement and dusted off the cobwebs.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I set up the spring on sawhorses in the backyard, with the back side facing up.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I purchased an easy-cover spray paint intended for metal. No sanding or priming needed!

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I sprayed the back side first, being careful not to use too much of the can. I let it dry for an hour.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I flipped it over and sprayed the top. I let it dry for two hours before bringing it inside.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I used magnets and metal binder clips to attach photos and memorabilia to the grid. It is the perfect place to store inspiration as well as memories waiting to reach your next scrapbook page.

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

I also discovered that binder rings can also be added, to help store frequently used supplies!

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

For less than $5, I created a very large art piece that also serves multiple purposes!

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

My office was so clean and very empty back then. The space in front of the crib spring is now my nerve center. The playpen has been replaced by a folding table. My DIY curtains didn’t survive their second washing. Here’s what it looks like today:

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

Upcycling a Crib Spring for Your Creative Workspace

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  1. Kim McKelvey-Smith

    I’ve loved seeing your artwork from time to time and wondered how you made it. Thanks for showing us. Love seeing your office as well!

  2. Marikyn Kok

    Excellent & brilliant recycle idea. Wished I still have the base from my baby crib 40 years ago.

  3. Deanie Swynnerton

    Such a great idea! Will definitely pass this on! Thanks.

  4. Francine aka Dragonslady

    It’s a good thing you had basements to store that crib in. It’s an interesting idea for using obsolete things. Now if you can only think of something to do with the rest of the crib – edging around a garden, maybe?

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Ooh, how clever.. thanks!

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Thank you!

  5. Maria

    I just came into a free one of these and cant wait to do this to it

    • Teaching Assistant - Kim Edsen

      Awesome! We’d love to see the completed project when you’re done with it!



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