{ A } – Ali Edwards is well known throughout the paper and digital scrapbooking communities for her fantastic designs. Her personal / professional blog is a beautiful picture window into her life.
Bits & Pieces – Cathy Zielske is an uber-talented graphic designer making her living in the paper scrapbooking world. She crosses over into hybrid/digi quite a bit; her fresh take on life and oodles of giveaways are worth stopping by for.
The Creative Junkie – Former digital designer Andrea Chamberlain is completely hilarious as she shares her life and discusses her passions.
The Daily Digi – This fabulous new blog (by the talented Janet Phillips) and Simple Scrapper coincidentally launched around the same time. I guess there was a niche to fill! Think of the The Daily Digi as your wise and trusted mom and Simple Scrapper as your practical best friend.
The Good Life – Jennifer Pebbles is that crafty goddess we all want to be. As a designer and photographer, she’s one to always knock my socks off!
My Creative Life – Heather Ann Meltzer’s personal blog is a consistent source of inspiring goodness, particularly her amazing photography. As another of those creative divas (but oh-so-not-a-diva), Heather is an amazing scrapper, designs digital supplies and creates totally cute jewelry.
Donna B Miller – This digital gal knows what being an artist really means. With great tips, stories and eclectic designs, she’s a rare find.
Simple Mom – Writing on a range of topics, Simple Mom Tsh has brought a fresh voice to the mommy blog world. Coupling life hacks with mommy (and daddy) wisdom in a clean way was truly needed.
Zen Habits – Leo Babauta hit the ball out of the park with his simplicity + productivity blog that took off last year. You can always count on Zen Habits to motivate and challenge.
Fabulous Adventures of Listgirl – Christine Newman aka SuperTwinkle aska Listgirl is an amazing artist and seems totally high on life. She shares both her digi and real worlds in snippets on her wonderful blog.
In total coincidence with me writing this post today, I discovered that Christine nominated me/Simple Scrapper with the Your Blog is Fabulous Award. I was both surprised and thrilled – thanks so much! To accept this honor, I have to share 5 of my addictions and pass it on to 5 other blogs.Hi, my name is Jennifer W. and I write at Simple Scrapper. I also go by StarXLR8 around the Innernets. My addictions are:
- cooking with and eating cheese
- my laptop being connected to the internet
- things being at right angles (maybe this is a neurosis)
- caffeine, despite a successful sorta-recent attempt to quit
- writing – I just can’t stop
To make this a list of 15 instead of 10, I’d love to add these blogs to your queue and tell them“Your Blog is Fabulous”:
Great list of blogs! There’s a few I haven’t read that I’m going to check out.
RachelV’s last blog post..Colbys first Buzz
I love discovering new blogs! Thanks for the links. 🙂
there are some I already subscribed. thanks so much for pointing them out!