Where to find the best supplies

Productivity Advice Scrapbooking Supplies

If you’ve come here looking for which shop Simple Scrapper recommends, then you might be disappointed. But wait, keep reading. While we do have some super-favorites, browsing store to store isn’t the most productive way to shop for digiscrap supplies. After all, shouldn’t you be scrapping?

Instead, Simple Scrapper will offer you a few secret tips for finding great new products without the endless maze of browsing.

4 easy tips for locating great products

1. Go where the designers are
DigiShopTalk is the hub of the digital scrapbooking community. This is where designers go to promote their products and scrappers learn from the best. You may have posted in the forum or uploaded a layout, but have you browsed the Product Gallery? You can sort by date or designer and even run a search. This might become one of your favorite spots to window shop.

2. Try social shopping
Ever curious what other scrappers are buying? Kaboodle.com will tell you. A simple search for “digiscrap” reveals hundreds of wishlists and “got it” lists from Kaboodle’s members. It’s a completely free to start your own list and browse what others are oogling.

3. Flip over the eye candy
Have you flagged or favorites lots of layouts for future inspiration? Don’t forget that your scrapspiration is not only a great source for creativity, but also your lead to fun new products. So read that fine print and get clicking to the designer’s shop.

4. Let the shop come to you
Most digiscrap suppliers have blogs and many also have newsletters. Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe! Not only can you be the first to know about sales and freebies, but you’ll be notified of great new products. Let the designers come to your inbox or reader and save precious minutes for extra scrapping.

These tips are one size fits all. They lead you to YOUR favorites, not ours!

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. MisssPotts

    Sweet post! i will be looking out for more info!

    MisssPotts’s last blog post..{BOOK FAIR}

  2. Stacey42

    I love browsing galleries & finding new stuff

    Stacey42’s last blog post..shopping test



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