Challenges for everyone

Scrapbooking Ideas

Some digiscrappers become hard-core devotees of specific shops and their designers. On the opposite end of the spectrum, other digiscrappers prefer to play the field and buy products they like from a variety of stores. They may post some at DigiShopTalk, but don’t feel they fit in completely at a store’s forum because of their shopping habits.

Sometimes you want to participate in a fun challenge you’ve spotted, but you don’t have products from that store to make it truly “count”. You want a chance to get a discount or win a prize just like everyone else. Lucky for you, there are open challenges that are just as fun and totally flexible. This post will feature The Digi Dares.

We strive to bring you fresh, fun inspiration each week as well as fabulous prizes from our sponsors!

The Digi Dares is a digiscrap challenge site hosted by a collaborative of designers and scrappers with a featured sponsor each week. Participants receive a coupon to the featured sponsor’s shop and are entered to win a $10 coupon for each of their sponsors.

It’s a win-win situation and you get to shop from your stash, according to that week’s rules. For example, here’s this week’s (beginning 1/30):

  • Use black and white photos only.
  • Make your own pattern background by repeating an element all over your page. It can be buttons, flowers, ribbons, bow, any element…
  • Use an alpha for the title.
  • Your LO should be a burst of bright & shiny colors !

It’s flexible and a great way to get inspired. Plus, if you’re short on time but crave the spark a challenge brings, let the Digi Dares be your weekly stop!

What challenges do you participate in?

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Erin (chickypow)

    Oh wow! This is so cool! Thanks for posting about us! We love love love new participants at the dares, we have a blast over there!

    Erin (chickypow)’s last blog post..Digi-Dare #118

  2. Traci Reed

    Awesome!! Thank you so much!

  3. Alice

    This is so cool to see the digidares spotlighted here ! They’re really awesome challenges !!!

    Alice’s last blog post...: Toot :.



  1. 11 #digiscrap things to do with 15 minutes - [...] the forums for a challenge to [...]

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