25 simple exercises to get you in the mood

Productivity Advice


You are suddenly and unexpectedly faced with a chunk of time, an uninterrupted period in which you can scrap to your hearts content. But wait? What is that I hear? You’re not feeling it? You can’t get going?

The scrappin’ blues are a condition all too familiar to frenzied memory keepers. Finally, there is time, but you feel completely stuck. You want to do a wonderful job creating beautiful layouts for your family to cherish, but your creative fire is burnt out. Fortunately, there are very simple exercises anyone can do to help light the digiscrapping fire. Here’s a list to get you started.

  1. Gallery surf
  2. Paper scrap
  3. Browse a home decor magazine
  4. Use a template
  5. Listen to uplifting  music
  6. Meditate
  7. Flip through your photo album
  8. Exercise
  9. Take a shower
  10. Paint
  11. Play with your kids
  12. Take new photos
  13. Use a quick page
  14. Freebie hunt
  15. Buy a new kit
  16. Watch a video tutorial
  17. Visit a new forum
  18. Do a scraplift
  19. Hug your spouse
  20. Turn off the lights
  21. Get comfortable
  22. Go outside
  23. Write something first
  24. Get organized
  25. Make a plan

Use the comments to add to this list. How do you get in the mood to digiscrap?

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    We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


    1. Jenn White

      I find that when I’ve done my planning (I set up a folder with pics, maybe journal some in a txt or word file, and if I have a kit in mind I’ll copy the preview into the folder too) then I get started much more easily. So when the inspiration strikes, I try to set up pages even if I don’t have time to scrap them. Sometimes when I don’t have much time, just sorting the pics and choosing the kits is satisfying!

    2. Tracy

      I need to listen to music to get going. I can bang out several layouts in a row if I have my ipod on. I find the television too distracting if I need to get some scrapping done. If you love music, put the ipod on, shut all your distractions out and start power scrapping!!!



    1. {free friday finds} for Jan. 15, 2010 - [...] 25 simple exercises to get you in the (scrapping) mood [...]

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