What’s that you say? You don’t have time to complete a massive overhaul of your digital scrapbooking organizational system? Let’s face it, going from chaos to clutter-free is intimidating, in the digital and real worlds. Fortunately there are high-impact steps you can take right away that require just minutes.
1. Empty the trash: Often times your hard drive is so full that working on a big re-organization is impossible. Empty your Trash (Mac) or Recycle Bin (PC) to free up precious space.
2. Make a list: Are you so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start? Get out the pen and paper and make a list. Even better, use an online to-do list or spreadsheet.
3. Quick purge: Do you have a folder that is a dumping ground? Turn on thumbnail view and take no more than 10 minutes to purge files you no longer need.
4. Work backward: Don’t think about the hundreds (or thousands) of digital scrapbooking files you need to tag or sort. Start with your recent downloads folder and get caught up with the newest supplies first.
5. Get printing: How far behind are you in making your layouts tangible realities? Stop everything and place an order. Move your printed files to an external hard drive.
6. Tag the previews: Placing every item into a digital box takes time. Start the easy way by tagging only kit previews – so you have a general inventory. Use Adobe Bridge and the “x-ray vision” feature to streamline the process.
These ideas can give you a jump start on organizing and provide a mental “I did it” boost. Do you have any other tips for instant gratification organization?
good tips here. I tag my latest supplies in ACDSee. Then if I have time I go backwards. That way I at least have my latest and greatest stuff organized.