Stop, drop and roll your way to better scrapping

Productivity Advice

In school, you were likely taught to “stop, drop and roll” as the immediate reaction to being inadvertently lit on fire. Sometimes life feels a bit, well fiery, so I would like to propose a similar approach to cooling off, winding down and getting a fresh start in your digital scrapbooking.


Stop, don’t buy anything

Right now. While it wouldn’t make sense to cease purchasing new digital scrapbooking supplies, I want to suggest that a temporary shopping hiatus should be your first step in regaining composure. Tomorrow, next week, next month – whenever you begin to feel re-settled into your routine – resume building your scrapping stash. If you’re feeling bowled under by stacks, piles and projects – both real and virtual -  just stop in your tracks and breathe.

Drop everything
Memory keeping is a long term, ongoing effort with an ebb and flow of projects. Put aside the layouts, albums and photobooks to focus on the state of your stash and your photos. Clean out your download and import folders. Get photos editing and organized. Work on a priority list for your future scrapping. With new acquisitions on hiatus, you’ll find that you can clear your mind and feel in control of your memory keeping activities.

Roll away the excess
Once you know what you have, it becomes very easy to let go of what you no longer want or need. Go beyond deleting unused files by assessing your roles and responsibilities as the family scrapper and within the scrapping community. When you consider your memory keeping priorities, are you spread too thin? Can you tweak your portfolio to ensure that you continue to enjoy and love digital scrapbooking?

Take these three steps and fit them to your needs to make August your best month yet. Join us every week this month for Wind Down Wednesdays and get your head on straight before fall.

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  1. Are you a digital clutterbug? - [...] week, I urged you to stop, drop and roll your way to better scrapping. I’m curious, did you follow…
  2. Discussing…simplicity - [...] Stop, drop and roll your way to better scrapping [...]

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