Best of Simple Scrapper: Productivity

Productivity Advice

nofusstipsforabusylife-smallSimple Scrapper is not your traditional productivity blog (think Zen Habits, Lifehacker etc.) – but (hopefully) a refreshing mix of how-to, inspiration, and ideas as well as tips to make your life easier.

In Monday’s post, I asked what I can do to make Simple Scrapper even better. Many commenters mentioned they were new to the blog and just getting the lay of the land. To help introduce newcomers to some of our best content, I wanted to create a new mini-series: Best of Simple Scrapper.

This week’s topic — posts about finding more time for what you love, i.e. productivity in digital scrapbooking. The following 8 posts include some of Simple Scrapper’s best, most useful, most actionable tips!


I wanted to call particular attention to The Peter Walsh Guide to Digital Scrapbooking. This post was not only fun to write (with a fake Australian accent), but really captures the essence of Simple Scrapper.

So tell me, what is your favorite tip for being a more productive scrapper?

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.



  1. Best of Simple Scrapper: Organization - [...] week I shared some of our very best posts on how to be an efficient digital scrapper. Organization is…

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