Interesting ideas for self portraits

Digital Photography Tips

I think we all have a few photos of ourselves from an outstretched arm or even with a tripod. But have you considered taking more creative approaches to a self portrait. Use these stunning examples to inspire your next one-on-one time with the camera.

1. Have fun, 2. Use shadows, 3. Play with mirrors
4. Change perspective, 5. Crop tighly, 6. Expand your horizons
7. Use a table, 8. Be clever, 9. Find your reflection

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  1. Jenn

    This is so timely! I had to do a layout featuring a photo of myself for a challenge the other day, and didn’t have a photo I loved. I’ll have to try some of these to see i I can get a good one!

    • Jennifer

      My fallback for about me layouts is a photo of my feet or hands. Is so easy and can seem so poetic!

      • Jenn

        Cheater cheater punkin eater! LOL! That’s not a bad idea, but I’m guessing my grandchildren would rather see pics of my face than my hands or (gasp) feet! I’m determined to get some pics made I like! Many years ago I had a high-priced sitting with a realllllly good pro photog, and the pics are amazing. It’s totally worth the indulgence to pay for a professional sitting!

  2. Stan

    I’m really intrigued by the idea of self-portrait doing something – like #1. What a better depiction of self than showing stuff I like to do!

  3. Tracy

    Fantastic ideas here! Thank you for your blog, there is always something worthwhile here.

  4. Eduardo Deboni

    Very honored to be chosen as one of your suggestions. In fact a self portrait is a very good tool for self discovering, and self understanding.



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