Printable Baby Book Giveaway

Sponsors & Giveaways

Molly Weight (aka Biograffiti) is one of my favorite template designers and she’s offering a great present to one lucky Simple Scrapper reader.

On Tuesday, Molly will be releasing Baby Bird and Baby Owl, two fully customizable printable baby books! She’s giving away one book plus a baby shower add-on kit!

The books are so cute and would be perfect shower gifts! The kits are ready for 100% digital or hybrid approaches. The coordinating add-on includes ready-to-print invitations, thank you notes and game cards!

All the pages are 8×8 and have photo mats in place so the new mama just has to add her own 4×6 photos and fill in the journaling pages (the journaling prompts are already there).

Or you can crop your own photos to 4×6 @ 300 dpi, slide them onto the JPG page, add a drop shadow (style included) and your journaling then upload to MyPicTales for printing a digital photobook.

Giveaway Details

  • Enter to win Baby Bird + Add On or Baby Owl + Add On (your choice!).
  • Leave a comment on this post sharing your favorite baby shower game.
  • The giveaway closes at 11:59pm mountain time on Monday, March 8.
  • The winner will be announced Tuesday morning.
  • For a second chance to win, head over to Molly’s blog!

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  1. Mai

    My favorite baby shower game is the “Can You Change The Baby” Game where guests aim to have the fastest time of dressing up a “life sized baby” (a guest). It’s pretty hilarious seeing them wearing diapers, and a pacifier or a feeding bottle on their mouths.

  2. Melinda Wilson

    I give baby books for gifts all the time but I have always worked these up by hand. This would be great and I love the owl book (I am partial to boys since I have two of them myself – LOL). I haven’t paid a game at a baby shower in a long time since most of the ones I now go to are baby teas so I can’t really name a game.

  3. JennF

    Smelling jars of baby food and trying to guess what they are! This is a great giveaway 🙂

  4. LoriJ

    I think the one with the toilet paper wrapped around the momma’s belly is my favorite. It is always funny to see how big she actually is!

    Great book by the way! Thank you for the chance to win!

  5. angelfaye

    In the UK, we don’t do Baby Showers, but the book is great, so I thought I’d tell you that instead… 🙂

  6. Kelly

    I love the matching baby socks game.

  7. Candice S. in Colorado

    I haven’t been to a whole lot of baby showers. However, a game that has always made me laugh is the one where you pull off some toilet paper from a roll giving your best guess as to how “big” the mam’s belly is. It’s so shocking to see how horribly wrong everyone is!!! 🙂

  8. Jennifer

    My favorite game can also be played at bridal showers – it’s the small safety pins in the bowl of rice game. No matter how talented or clever you think you are, it is REALLY hard to tell the difference between a piece or rice and those pins when your eyes are closed!

  9. Vicki

    I like the game where you take the labels off of the baby food jars and try to guess what they are based on color, smell and taste. Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. Ina

    The most entertaining (but somewhat gross) game I’ve seen at a shower is trying to guess what melted chocolate bar is on the (clean) diapers! Also popular are the guess the baby food game, and the one where the guys are all handed baby bottles full of beer, and they have to be the first to finish it off! (Yeah, I go to a lot of baby showers, and they’re usually with guys and girls.)

  11. Crystal

    What a super cute baby book! I would say my favorite baby shower game is the candy bars melted into the diapers…. lol

  12. Jamie

    I would sooo love this!! I need to get my son’s baby book done and my cousin is having her first soon! I think it’d make the PERFECT gift!

  13. Stacia

    I like the toilet paper one too, but another one that is fun (and very hard to win!) is to give each person three safety pins and the game is that you lose one when you say the word “cute” and gain one if you catch someone else saying it. 🙂

    Very cute book, I love it!

  14. Kristi

    I think the game with the diapers and the chocolate bars is pretty funny.

  15. Rebecca

    Figuring out the nursery rhymes was my favorite game. Of course I didn’t win, my husband’s Aunt was a nursery school teacher! Love the giveaway, would be perfect we have another due in October… Thanks for the chance.

  16. yanina

    Love the baby books! about baby shower games, i will have to go with the baby food. we played that game at my shower and it was pretty funny and gross.

  17. tzigane

    what a great giveaway and perfect timing too since i have two friends and one sister all due in the next 5 months!

    i always liked the one where you either have to taste the baby food and guess it or where yo just look at it and have to guess it. plus the clothespin game is fun (where you steal clothespins when anyone says the word baby)

  18. Melissa Olson

    I’ve never been to a baby shower, but the one hosted in honor of my first baby is in June. I’ve been told that the best game is the smelling/tasting of unlabeled baby food to see who guesses them correctly. Of all the ones I’ve been told about, that one sounds the most fun!

  19. Anna M

    I love to play the game where you wrap the string around the belly and guess how big the mom’s belly is. Thanks for the chance to win this.

  20. EBPitcher

    I love the game where you can’t say “baby” at the shower! It always gets me!

  21. Deb M

    Wrapping the TP around the mom-to-be’s belly is my favorite too!

  22. ckcpurple

    Molly is is one of my favorite template designers too. Thank you both for the opportunity to win another one of her amazing products!!!

  23. rags

    Biograffiti makes the best albums – I looove these!

    Everyone was talking about their baby showers at mothers group just this week, but I had to admit I’d never been to one – it wasn’t done where I grew up. So I’m looking forward to the showers as our group grows 🙂

    Thanks to Jen and Molly for such a fabulous giveaway and to everyone for all these fabulous game suggestions

  24. Abby

    I like the game where you match pregnancy and baby related phrases to candy and candy bars. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  25. Mary

    I think the one we had the most fun with was trying to guess each food in the unlabeled jars of baby food.
    Thanks for the chance!

  26. Melissa Rhodes

    I like the baby food game too!
    It is impsossible to tell which is which just by looking!

  27. Rebecca

    I love these!! My favorite is also the baby food game – it’s so much fun to hear what people think you give babies!! You can tell some were never moms!!

  28. Joy

    Thanks for a chance to win this great kit. My favorite game is “not saying baby” at any time during the baby shower. It is so much fun.

  29. Caren

    I like the safty pin game where there is 1 word you can not say and veryone has a safty pin and who every get “caught” looses the pin ….it goes on for how ever long at the end of the time the one who “stole the most safty pins wins! I like it also cause you can have lost you pin and catch someone saying the word and gather all their pins LOL

  30. Nonnie

    Wow – what a great giveaway!! My fav shower game is the one where you take the balloon and pass it between the legs to the next person – great for the guys to have to play – You can also take some blown up balloons, put them between the legs again and race around something.

  31. RealRach

    My favorite has been mentioned…the melted choc bar in the diaper game…but one that I don’t think I saw but love to do too is the tiny baby figurine in an ice cube. The first person to “have a baby” is the winner. You can’t touch the icecube but you can hold the cup to heat it up and some have even took to holding above their coffee or hot drink or blowing on it.

  32. Amy

    My favorite baby shower game has been mentioned several times…the one where you try to guess what type of melted chocolate is in the diaper. Another one I like is the guess how big mommy’s belly is by estimating the length of the ribbon or paper towel that wraps around the belly. Thanks for the chance to win all the goodies!!!

  33. Christy

    These are so fun – I love the idea. I’m another who likes the guess the baby food (without the wrapper) game. The melted candy bar in the diaper is a little too much for me. 🙂

  34. Karen G

    I hate to say it, but I really don’t like games at a baby shower. I so much prefer just mingling and chatting. The only thing that has been ok is when everyone has to bring a baby photo of themselves and everyone has to try to figure out who it is.

  35. Lynn

    I’m with Karen G. I really do not understand the point of the goofy games that usually end up making someone embarrassed. Although, diapering a baby blindfolded is usually good for a laugh.

    Love these albums!

  36. Angel Jones

    Hoping to win because I wanted to prepare a scrapbook for the next baby shower I am giving in May!! Game? Maybe the “guess the circumference” of the belly girth by cutting offpieces of ribbons.

  37. DeeDee

    Love the giveaways!! My favorite game is not saying “baby” throughout the shower…the last time I played everyone was given a plastic pacifier on a ribbon when they arrived and when someone caught you saying “baby”, they took your pacifier and all of the others you had accumulated. My six-year-old neice had collected most of the pacifiers in the room, and was crushed when she was caught saying “baby” right at the end. She decided that she wasn’t too sorry she lost, when she realized that the winner was supposed to give the new mama her prize!!



  1. Biograffiti Baby Book Winner | simple scrapper - [...] all had such great ideas for baby shower games! Thank you everyone for entering this sweet giveaway for Biograffiti’s…

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