4 new ideas for fun photo gifts

Scrapbooking Ideas Scrapbooking Supplies

I started this post for you, featuring #7 in our 21 ways to tell your story series, Wednesday morning. Now, Thursday night, I’m finally able to finish it. Does that ever happen to you with your scrapping?

If it does, that perfectly OK. No one says a layout has to be done in one sitting. It’s all about honoring your memories in ways that work for you. That’s what this whole series is all about – flexibility!

Number seven invites you to share one or two fabulous photos in fun ways. You’ve seen (and maybe even purchased) an array of photo gifts over the years. From mousepads to tshirts and totebags to mugs, just about anything can be emblazoned with an image.

Today’s photo gift retailers are getting smarter, offering more useful and on-trend products. These four items help celebrate your photos with a touch of creativity!

Wall art from Photo Wow
An array of pop art-inspired photo collages makes these canvas or framed prints super fun for any home or office.

Luggage tags from Shutterfly
Never mistake your black bag for someone else’s with this clever photo luggage tags.

Cutting boards from SeeHere
A perfect way to remember the beautiful sights of a family vacation after your return to life’s routines.

Laptop skins from Schtickers
Document the loves in your life by way of decorating a girl’s best sidekick, her laptop.

The photo gift industry is booming, with new styles and products introduced often. Have you purchased any items of this kind, for yourself or for others?

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    • Jennifer

      Thanks for sharing this Melissa. What a special way to share memories.

  1. Jenn

    I skinned my phone with our website logo. I get comments on it all the time. As far as scrappy stuff, I’m working on little purse-sized notebooks – but I make them myself with a little wire binding machine. Gotta get some use out of those old paper scrap supplies!!

  2. Stan

    One of the coolest new products I saw at the Photo Marketing Assoc.show was from http://www.iapeel.com. It is a DIY at-home way to skin your Ipod or Iphone. What’s great about them is you print it yourself and their system for aligning the skins to the device is foolproof. Currently for the I series, they are expanding to other mobile devices like Driods and also gaming devices like PSP’s and DS’s.

    The other we sell a ton of at the lab is dog tags. Metal with chain with picture on one side. They are huge with school age kids and sports moms.

    • Jennifer

      iapeel looks awesome Stan! I can see a lot of possibilities for creating custom skins from digiscrap products.


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