Survey: Is your digital stash organized?

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I‘m working on a very special project that will help you get more organized and be more productive in your scrapping. Can you help me make this project even more spectacular and customized to YOU by filling out this survey?

On Sunday I will draw a random winner to receive a $20 gift certificate to the digital scrapbooking shop of her choice.

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  1. Kay

    Sort of organized… I use ACDC, but my stash is so large now that it’s almost unmanageable. I need to get back in there and tag and organize recent acquisitions to make it more usable.

  2. Elisabeth

    Can you share the results of the survey, ie the question about how many GB is in your digital stash? I tried to survey that exact question on Twitter but I did not get any participants…probably because I don’t have many followers, hahaha!
    I personally would find it very educational to know where I fit in compared to other digi scrappers.
    BTW thanks for looking into this, I think organization is the single most important issue in digital scrapbooking.

  3. Elisabeth

    Forgot to mention: the purging aspect is difficult for reasons other than what your survey suggested. I seem to have trouble deciding what I will “eventually” use or not. It is not rare for me to pull up a supply I downloaded over a year ago and use it on a layout, which makes it even more difficult for me to establish rules of what to keep. (For example, I do not use the rule “if it’s older than six months, delete it”).
    Looking forward to your blog post!

  4. Sheryl

    Yes, mostly. It’s hard sometimes to decide which folder to put it in. I have probably at least 500 G worth of digital scrapbooking supplies.

    I break them down into catagories:
    Layout Templates, Photo masks, Quick Pages, Word Art, etc.

    More specific Catagories: Alphabets, backgrounds, Cards, Family, Holidays (each seperately), Grunge, some colors are divided out, Boy, Kids, Water, Summer, Winter, Outdoor, some specific designers have their own folder, bright colors.

    It’s not always perfect and since it’s my system if I want to stick in a folder that doesn’t make sense to anyone else who cares.

    I backup on a 2T hard drive. I keep all of the zip files on there and some of the unzipped folders.


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