Do you want to be templatized?

Scrapbooking Freebies Scrapbooking Ideas

I’ve got a win-win proposal for you fine readers. Are you ready to play? Simple Scrapper is looking for real life scrapbookers, for a super fun summer project.

I love making templates for you all and want to do a little more of that over the summer.  I also love browsing galleries and being inspired by all of you! Let’s mesh those worlds!

If you would love to see your gallery featured and have one or more original layouts made into templates, leave a link to your gallery here. (Don’t worry if some of your pages use templates, I’ll check the credits and talk with you directly first!)

We’ll do these features during June, July and August to keep your mojo high all summer long. I think these are going to be some of the best templates yet – you folks have so much talent!

Make sure you hop around to each other’s galleries and leave some love.

Edited to clarify… these would be freebie templates and not sold anywhere.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Ang

    Very cool! I use templates for most stuff so I’m not joining but I love the idea and can’t wait to see the goodies!

  2. cate

    what a great idea… can’t wait to see what you come up with

  3. chari

    You take such great care of us! I don’t have a gallery, but maybe I will after this! thank you!!


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