10—12: May’s Free Template

Productivity Advice Scrapbooking Freebies

It’s time to count down your top ten moments of May! Are you ready to scrap the recap?

What’s 10—12? I’m offering a free template with 10 photo spaces (10) each month (x12) and challenging you to scrap the recap and move on to the next month! Use the template to highlight the top 10 photos from a single event or the entire month. It’s all about telling the story, simply!

Here are some ideas for your May top ten:

  • the last day of school
  • grilling out
  • first super hot day
  • garage sale
  • wearing shorts
  • eating on the porch
  • riding bikes
  • farmer’s market

The Template

I turned to our Facebook page this time for inspiration. One reader mentioned circular photo spots and I ran with it. I hope you like this one. There are lots of layers and spots for clusters and embellishments!

Download link expired

Now tell us, what’s on your top ten list for May? Share a highlight from your month.

Edited to add:
Based on requests from readers, I’ve added an alternate version of the template with square photos to the download file. In this version you can use all squares as show below or mix and match with circles.

Download the template with a Free Membership


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  1. Bunnyfreak

    So cool to have input into the template. It turned out awesome.

    • Jennifer

      Yep, this one was just for you!

  2. Robin

    I’ve been waiting! Thanks!!!

  3. belle

    Thanks for the template. Good ideas for themes!

  4. Sue K

    Thanks for the template. I’ve decided I definitely like squares/rectangles better. My top 10 photos for this month were very hard to fit into the template properly. Would have taken different sorts of pictures had I known. Still these have been very fun each month and I really look forward to them. Thanks again

    • Jennifer

      One thing you can do is mix up one of the other month’s templates by rotating it! You can also use the circles in this template as placeholders for squares.

    • Jennifer

      I actually just went in and uploaded a new download file for you. It contains a second version of the template with options for square photos.

  5. Shannon

    This is so cute! Good job!

  6. Sue K

    Jennifer, you are the greatest. Thanks for changing them to squares because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to figure out how to do that. I do have another question however. When I used the circle template, I saved as a jpeg which I normally do but in each photo I see Photo 1, Photo 2 etc. How do I get these not to show up? Thanks again for creating the square version for me

    • Jennifer

      There is a layer just for the photo numbers, turn it off or delete it.

  7. Sue K

    Thanks for the info. I’m still rather a newbie at this. Started with your January 2010 template. I love them.

  8. Virginia

    I love these templates! Thank you so much!

  9. Sherry

    Love the photo placement! Went to download, even though I normally don’t like circular photos! Am in HEAVEN knowing that you’ve included both templates! Thank you so much!

  10. Tracy

    These are fantastic templates, I love the circles and squares design. Great template! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.

  11. Abby

    Thank you for the template!

  12. Elaine

    Thank you for sharing. Love the circles

  13. Deb

    Thanks so much for the templates! In my download though, I have two psd files of the circle template, and no version with squares. I only have a preview of the one with squares. Am I missing something here? Thanks!

    • Jennifer

      In the “with squares” version, the circles are enabled as the default. In your layers panel, you need to “turn on” the square layers and “turn off” the circles. Let me know if you need help.

  14. Deb

    Ahhh… thank you for the speedy reply! I hadn’t opened it in PSE 8 yet, just looked at it in Preview. Now I see how it works. Awesome! Thanks again for the great template. I love both versions! 🙂

  15. simsage

    Thanks for the great templates, I Scrap for my Red Hat chapter, and since I always have so many pics, they come in real handy.

  16. Tami

    Th♥nks for sharing!

  17. Jan

    Many thanks for sharing

  18. Ali

    I shared this with the gals over at Sisterhood of Scrap (SOS).
    THANKS so much!

    • Jennifer

      OOh that’s great – love the papers you used! TFS!

  19. Raechel

    Thanks so much!



  1. Freebie: Digital Layered Template · Scrapbooking @ CraftGossip - [...] to scrapbook a recap of the month. The template is also available in a version for square photos. Click…

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