Stop finding excuses for not scrapbooking

Productivity Advice

Simple Tip Saturdays are all about giving easy ideas for you to grab and run.

I hope today’s inspiration is not too heavy-handed, because I really do want the best for you. But I’ll just say it: stop procrastinating.

I know you’re still hunting for the right supplies or waiting until everything is organized or sitting out a mojo-less spell. But it’s probably time just sit down and scrap.

Trust me, we’re all totally guilty of feeling squeezed for time, not prepared or out of inspiration. Those things aren’t any less true, but they don’t prevent you from scrapbooking a page. Consider it a warm up exercise.

This weekend, try grabbing some supplies, a photo or two and just making a page. It doesn’t matter if its not your best, but I bet it will give you the creative energy needed to scrap more and with less stress.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. michellejg

    I actually did this last night and it felt great! I’ve been procrastinating for way too long now, so I decided to use some sketches and templates to scrap just one page. I ended up doing four! Now I am totally jazzed to keep going 🙂

  2. Jude

    This really made me laugh as what I really need to do is stop scrapping! I’m actually working on organising my album plan at the moment (so I don’t keep on making pages that I then decide don’t ‘fit’. And I should also probably prioritise doing the housework a little more 🙂

  3. Lori P.

    Okay, I really needed to hear this today! Summertime is so difficult, and it is easier to procrastinate b/c our family schedule is so “not”! Thanks for the inspiring words!


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