There are frequent recommendations to browse your photos, scrapbook galleries, online retailers and your local stores for inspiration. One incredible resource for creative development is often overlooked and it’s not hard to find.
To begin, try putting on the persona of another creative professional – say an architect or landscape designer or decorator. Then, seek out the traditional sources of inspiration for these trades. Look in magazines, in books and at actual finished products. Find inspiration blogs in these niches and look for trends and fun ideas you can carry over into scrapbooking.
It’s not necessary to fully adopt another creative avenue, but to simply step into their shoes for a few moments. Inspiration is all around you, you just have to know where to look!
If you’re always on the hunt for inspiration, you might be interested in my Light Your Fire E-Course which begins this Tuesday. Our first class “Where Your Mojo is Hiding (& How to Coax it Out)” will lead you on a journey to find your most meaningful sources of inspiration.