6 insanely simple scrapbook resolutions

Productivity Advice

It’s a brand new year, full of energy and opportunity. As you consider how your scrapbooking hobby will evolve this year, keep these 6 simple resolutions close to heart. They will guide you on course, sound and true.

1. Nurture your craft – Give yourself and your hobby love, attention and patience as you grow in skills and strength. Believe in what is possible.

2. Be mindful – As you purchase or download, plan or create, be conscious of what feels easy and right. Find a clear head to make the best decisions.

3. Take small steps – Whether you take on new projects large or small, break down big goals into bite-sized pieces to see your progress and stay motivated.

4. Search inside – From the creative spark that lies within to the lonely supplies hiding in a dark closet or hard drive, you have more than you think at your fingertips. Dig and explore to find inspiration and motivation.

5. Keep learning – No matter how advanced or experienced you become, there is always more to learn. Seek out opportunities to build your repertoire of techniques and project perspectives.

6. Let go – Have you fallen out of love with scrapbooking? Do the photos call to you more that the supplies? Change your approach to memory keeping and be OK with it.

Most importantly, remember that you know yourself and your life the very best. Use common sense when taking on new obligations and pursuing new inspirations. What is your scrapbooking resolution for 2011?

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Ramie

    I hope to get caught up. I am 4yrs behind and so badly want my kids to be able to enjoy the albums. I scrap digitally (except their birthday books and vacation albums) so it should go fast if I just dedicate myself to it!

  2. Ami

    To enjoy the process and accept my capabilities and stop pressuring myself so darn much.

  3. Karen Campbell

    My 2011 scrapbooking goal is to try and scrap at least 30 minutes a day or every other day depending on what’s going on.

  4. Janice

    My resolution is to enjoy the process. Instead of the pressure, I want to relax and enjoy scrapbooking. In the end, I know that will get the job done!

  5. Christine

    Thanks Jennifer for this post. I really enjoyed reading it.

  6. ana smith

    i hope to create more layouts, lessons, albums and complete stories.

  7. yholee

    i plan to go back to scrapping and enjoy every moment of it…i just hope i still have the hang of it….i seem to have lost the touch…i’ve been trying to start since the new year and still couldn’t start with the first step….gotta focus…..


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