Your ideas for baby scrapbooks

Scrapbooking Ideas Scrapbooking Supplies

This coming Monday I’ll be hosting an extra special chat all about scrapbooking babies. It’s a special time to ooh and ahh about precious little moments and get practical about documenting pregnancy and that first year. We’ll definitely have some extra sweet giveaways too! In that chat, we’ll mostly talk about techniques and approaches… so today I wanted to kick off the discussion by talking about products.

Supplies for Scrapbooking Baby

There is quite an array of scrapbooking products and tools, especially for digital scrapbookers, for documenting new motherhood. Use the tool below to share an image and link to one or more of your favorites. (Designers are encouraged to submit their own products!)

Then, in the comments, tell us a challenge you have (or have had) with scrapbooking babies.

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  1. Anne

    My problem is just making time to do it!

  2. Michelle Huegel

    I agree with Anne! Also, finding new ideas for second (and more) babies is a challenge. I want each child to feel that his/her layouts or memory book is special and unique, while still capturing many of the same milestones.

  3. Terra

    I struggle with meaningful journaling and scrapbooking the traditional babybook type items that I want to remember like important milestones.

  4. Shannon

    I struggled with trying to scrapbook every single milestone. It got monotonous and boring – and resulted in my first daughter have two very full scrapbooks…just of her first year. So when baby #2 came along I decided to make an ongoing mini album of her milestones so I’d still remember the dates. It has been so freeing so scrapbook whatever milestones I feel like for her because I know that I have every one of them recorded in a very simple way.

  5. Sheila

    I had such a block on the journaling and format for my twins’ first-year albums. I was worried each month would be too much the same, especially since we did the same things. I recently decided to cut the idea of an epic 12×12 album apiece down to 6×6 albums. I’m using full 6×6 pictures (a bunch printed on a 12×18) and just writing my journaling on 6×6 cardstock with a flower, star or other little icon as embellishment. Instead of month-by-month, I’m now doing relationships (with grandparents, etc.), little fun personality things they did, etc. I may just do a milestone-roundup journaling page for each. I can’t tell you the weight I felt lifted when I gave up the idea of the epic 12×12’s!

  6. Jean Manis

    While I didn’t scrapbook either of my sons’ babyhoods, I did create photo albums for both. I struggled with knowing the first year which photos to include in the album. Just recently I “re-did” the albums given the perspective of some years. What I wish I’d done at the time when they were babies was journal more, even if in a notebook to use at a later point.

  7. Suzy

    My biggest challenge when I was scrapping my son’s photos was when a baby toy or blanket totally clashed with the kit I was using to scrap the layout with.



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