Fab Five for April 26, 2011

Scrapbooking Ideas

I so love browsing galleries and seeing all the amazing works of art created by the scrapbooking community! In this edition of Fab Five, I have five pages celebrating the love and relationships between sisters.

1. United We Stand by Lisa Swift – Make sure to tell the hard stories, of how sisters come together in times of trial.

2. Sugar and Spice by jenn7 – Try comparing photos of two siblings at the same age and telling the story of that age.

3. Sweet Sister by cindys732003 – Use vibrant scrapbook supplies to tell the story about a colorful relationship.

4. sister by misfitinmn – Use first person, like writing a letter, for the most natural way to capture emotion.

5. My Sister by Gennifer – As a parent, share your own sibling stories with your children.

Have you scrapbooked about sisters? Share a story or a link in the comments.

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  1. Nat

    Yup, although I don’t have a link because it’s a layout I did WAY back in high school. One of the fun parts is that we were shopping at Costco and decided to stick our hands in one of the color copiers on display. We took the copy/picture and wrote some notes on it to each other and I put it on our sisters page.


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