Birthday Week: Premium Membership Giveaway

Sponsors & Giveaways

Welcome to Birthday Week 2012 at Simple Scrapper! We’re celebrating my daughter’s first birthday with special events all week long. 

Birthday Week 2012 continues with a giveaway for a Simple Scrapper Premium Membership. Our membership provides skills and shortcuts to help you simplify and find more meaning in your memory keeping.

To win a 6 month Premium Membership, leave a comment below by 11:59pm CDT today, August 14, 2012 in response to the prompt below. Comments not adhering to this instruction will be deleted. This giveaway is open to participants worldwide.

To enter the giveaway, respond to this prompt in your comment below:

Share the area of memory keeping where you need the most encouragement. 

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. ava

    scrapping about events and trips is easy enough…it’s journaling about myself that seems to be a struggle for me.:)

  2. Kate aka stinkydudette

    I always have difficulty with journaling.. I can never seem to express myself properly, and end up leaving it out most of the time.

  3. Sharon

    Journaling about the emotion of life. The good the bad and the ugly sides.

  4. Colleen

    I need the most encouragement getting started on a page as to placement of pictures, embellishments, etc. Once I get started, things flow pretty good.

  5. Linda H

    Journaling is the toughest part for me. Who, what, where are the easy parts, but to express the feelings is tough.

  6. Marcia Deignan

    I could really use help to use up my supplies to create layouts that I love. I tend to get overwhelmed with too much stuff and need to simplify. Thus, I would love to get all your ideas and advice as a premium member. I would absolutely love this!!

  7. Rebecca

    I miss going to crops, they were the best way to assist me in my biggest challenge.area where I need the most encouragement–I can never be satisified with a layout or a page, I always think it needs something more or that it could be better. As a result, I have a myriad of unfinished pages and books.

    My friends and I all have kids that are older now and require a lot of driving to sports and other activities so we do not get together at all and I think many of us are scrapping very little these days.

    I miss the days when they could just tell me–you have done enough move on!

  8. Debra williams

    Posting to galleries. Never think it is good enough.

  9. Connie

    I could use encouragement in the follow through – getting layouts completely finished and into albums (not languishing about unjournaled in piles).

  10. Jo-Anne Price

    I have the most trouble with journaling. I make sure to have the who, what, where, why, when and how. It’s usually the same old same old and pretty boring though :0(.

  11. Kim S.

    Just putting aside to clean off a surface and get started….after that it all flows.

  12. Stacy B

    I need help with all of it right now. I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for scrapbooking and I hate it! I don’t know why I can’t just get motivated!! So frustrating…

  13. Veronica

    I need the most encouragement getting started and on the journaling, etc. Once I get started, things flow pretty together. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Sandy Holterfield

    I need the most encouragement in just getting started. I get a little overwhelmed by all there is to do. I think a full membership would really help with that!

  15. Tammy Mc

    I feel just getting started and following through. I change in mid-stream because I think of something else to do. I over think it. I feel so accomplished when I finish it though and it encourages me to go on to the next thing. It’s hard to keep up with children, their spouses and all the grandkids plus nieces and nephews. It’s a big family!

  16. Jeni

    I have the most trouble with including myself. I prefer to scrap about others… so far, my kids will know about themselves and daddy, but not mommy… second on the list is getting it all started! 🙂

  17. Donna U

    I find it easier to journal having the story first before the page

  18. Laura S.

    Journaling. The big stuff is easy, but the little day-to-day stuff can be a challenge sometimes.

  19. Claire

    I think I have the most trouble with journaling as I think what I write is dull or boring.

  20. Carol Drumwright

    I am the Queen of unfinished albums. I am great with starting an album and sailing along, but then I run out of time and fail to get back on it. I could definitely use encouragement to finish at least one album!

  21. Ali MacDonald

    Hmmm, Let me see… where in memory keeping do I need the MOST encouragement? That would be in 2 areas: Not “saving things” for a LO that I have in my head but (maybe?) which I feel is too special to “start”
    and 2) getting started on said “special LOs.”
    I am honestly a rather prolific scrapper but have a hard time with the above 2 things. TY sooo much for the chance to win such a fab prize! 🙂 WOW!
    🙂 -Ali in Nova Scotia

  22. Dee

    Journaling and vintage – I have pictures going back 9 generations and have not been able to get it done – I have looked at many beautiful layouts/sketches but still can’t seem to pull anything together.

  23. Jen

    Happy birthday :). My biggest challenge is just getting started. Once I decide on a topic/photos/story and put them together with product, it goes well. I process for getting started is a work in progress.

  24. Terry

    I can’t seem to get motivated to do anything anymore. I have good intentions (folders on my desktop with the pics, backgrounds, embellishments and a basic theme in mind), just can’t seem to find the time or energy to get started anymore.

  25. Jane

    Picking papers! It’s like trying to put together an outfit. I just have the hardest time figuring out what goes well together.

  26. lawyerlyn

    i could use encouragement on trying out different techniques on my layouts every once in a while

  27. Erin K.

    I have the hardest time with capturing the everyday things my kids say and do. I am good at the big stories but the little moments really pass me by!

  28. Shelia Baker

    Being organized enough to start a new page and not be overwhelmed with trying to find that one element that I want to add and can’t seem to find.

  29. Donna

    I need help with organization! I often write down memories on various things–the computer, scraps of paper, a notebook, etc. I have the same thing with pictures. Some of my pictures are on discs, some are on the computer, some are on external hard drives, some online, and some are hard copies only. My scrapbook supplies are the only things that are well organized!!

  30. Jenny McGee

    I enjoy journaling, sometimes I just don’t know how to get it down. It seems it is just the same stuff told. I want the stories told. I am getting a little better. Also, remembering the stories to be told after I get the pictures. Thanks for a chance to win.

  31. Sarah

    I need teh most encouragement in journaling- I love to read the journaling, but feel self-concious about writing in a journal or journaling on scrapbook pages.

  32. Joy Gissing

    I need more help with numerous things, here is just some of them; journaling, photo organisation, confidence to be satisfied with what I have done and not be so critical. I tend not to do anything for fear of it not being 100% perfect. This opportunity to gain a 6 month membership would be particularly helpful and will compliment my purchase of everyday storyteller which I am excited to have.

  33. Shari

    Getting organizing, staying focused on a project. I feel like everything is scattered. Then, I get an idea and go with it but it seems like i get bored and start another idea…and so on. Never finishing a project.

  34. grannymike

    I love journaling, but I have a hard time ever journaling very personally about myself. I also have lots of problems getting started with a page and making myself just do it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. Laurigig

    To go with the flow and not have everything be perfect.

  36. Karen Keiper

    definitely journalling. i rarely feel like i have told the whole story.

  37. 2hounds

    I would have to say making certain that I continue to tell my own story is the area that I need the most encouragement.

  38. Susan

    As many have said on here the journaling is the hard part for me to do or include space for. I know this is important as time goes by we forget some of the details.

  39. Gail Evans

    I’m sure I’m not alone here, but I need the most help with journaling….I am boring and not much “story” in my life so its hard to make it sound interesting. Thanks for the chance to win a membership, I’m sure that would be a great help!

  40. Liva

    It is always so easy to scrap about everyone else, but I almost never scrap about myself. But when I come to think of it – probably my grandchildren will once want to know how their grandma lived in her youth 🙂

  41. mrshobbes

    I would love to get more help with taking photos! Since I got my iPhone it’s been my go-to camera (I was using a P&S before) and I’d just like to have clearer, crisper photos even if I *am* just using a phone 🙂

  42. Vivian

    This is easy…journaling, page titles, getting decent photos, and last but not least…actually getting it done.

  43. karla

    I love seeing scrapbooks with great journalism that includes whimsical and inspirational quotes. My brain just doesn’t go there. I need inspired!

  44. Pam

    The biggest thing I need help with is the organizing and layouts of my scrapbook pages. I get my things out and find it overwhelming and I end up putting it all away, as I get real frustrated. Any help I get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks the opportunity to win!

  45. Francine

    My biggest area needing help is – Just Doing It! I have great plans, some written, most in my head and then – nothing – I end up playing games on the computer! Once I actually start I can do a layout in 1-2 hours – mostly digital. Journaling is usually not a problem, either. And now that I’ve started really looking at some templates, I’m even beginning to see where I can do 1 photo layouts. But I still have to Just Do It!

  46. Mel H

    Doing the pages! But, seriously, probably writing more meaningful journaling that goes beyond the who, what when and where.

  47. Doris

    I get overwhelmed by all the pretty printed paper and embellishments. Using multiple printed papers on one layout is especially hard for me to put together, but I love the way other people do it.

  48. DolliN

    There are probably 3 areas:
    1) Finding the time
    2) Journaling
    3) Designing layouts

    I have no problems with “stuff” to scrapbook, I save memorabilia, and have a wide assortment of products and equipment to use. I really struggle with time and designing layouts. I am the queen of scraplifting! I find sketches hard to work with, so I often copy photos of layouts from magazines and books. I am usually happy once I complete something, but I drop the ball when it comes to journaling. I’ve tried taking a notebook to record details on trips, and I’m really good about it for a few days, then I forget.

  49. Katherine McKamey

    actually getting something accomplished – putting together albums after trips or making pages after special events. These are the type of projects I just don’t get done. I am good at creating pages of every day life but not following through with the trip memories.

    • Lilola

      I have the opposite problem – trips are no problem!!

  50. Bec Kilgore

    Being organized enough where when I have a few minutes to sit down and do layouts or other projects, I can put my hands on what I need right away. Takes me too long now, I get frustrated easily and then end up making nothing.

  51. Karyn A.

    The area of memory keeping where I need the most encouragement would be documenting the times that need to be documented from the past which haven’t been documented yet – how to write in a voice that is authentic to that situation in the past without the current knowledge I have now. Hopefully that makes sense. Thanks for the opportunity.

  52. Catharine

    I could use some help with getting the layouts started. I am often overwhelmed and spend lots of time surfing for the perfect layout or sketch.
    Thanks so much!

  53. Diane S.

    getting organized with all my products so when I am ready to scrapbook, I can just go do it with the few minutes I have.

  54. Kelley Fewer

    I need encouragement to just begin! I have so many supplies, and so many printed photos, and have ideas about using them….I’m great with the planning, not so much on the execution! lol

    thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize!

    shine on!

  55. DorothyCC

    Just to keep up with all my photos and find time to scrapbook!

  56. Cyndy

    I find it very hard to write meaningful journalling. I am also working hard at scrapbooking stories instead of just pictures. I am a very visual person and get inspired by my pictures but I want to make more meaningful pages that take more time to put together.

  57. Jemma Sharrock

    I’m guilty of not telling stories from my husband’s point of view – both his own stories (just as important for my children one day) and our stories from his perspective. I need to let him do the journalling sometimes!

  58. Cindy Coleman

    I have pages that I have had done for 3 years now that I still have not journaled. I have difficulty incorporating into my layouts. I use a lot of pictures and sometimes don’t know where to fit journaling in on the page. Also how to keep it short and to the point and still say what I what to say.

  59. Lisa C

    As my grandkids get older and I see less and less of them and get fewer pics, I find myself running out of scrapping inspiration and motivation!

  60. Lilola

    Journalling is definitely the toughest part for me. My handwriting is illegible nowadays and I have to do it on the computer. That,combined with difficulty in expressing myself when writing about emotions, seems to really stump me.

  61. Laura@live-love-scrap

    The area I need to work on most is journaling- I have piles of layouts that I’ve done over the years, but they don’t have journaling!

  62. Michelle

    My biggest problem area is journaling …I get the basics facts down, but miss the emotional side.

  63. CarrieP

    The area of memory keeping where I need the most encouragement is the day-to-day things. It’s too easy to get bogged down with the numerous activities and forget to record the cute memories of things said and done over the course of a day. I love it when I am able to keep up with my daily journal. Unfortunately, it’s spotty at best.

  64. Sarah R.

    Wow, lots of people with my same challenge – journaling! I’m a decent writer and I can verbally tell stories with no problem but put me in front of a scrapbook page and I go blank! Thanks for the chance to win Jennifer!

  65. Kay

    My biggest areas of concern are organization – both pictures and supplies (and both digital and traditional).

  66. Michelle Huegel

    I need the most encouragement in the “just do it” area! Sometimes I struggle with getting started. Once I find the motivation or mojo to get going its usually smooth sailing from there 🙂

  67. TJ Jay

    The most difficult part for me is remembering a story once I get around to scrapbooking the photos. I usually end up just putting the date and other obvious notes.

  68. Janeen

    I struggle with the execution of the layouts. I am excellent at collecting supplies, making gifts for others and gathering my own memorabilia. I am not so good at the making of the layout, I need some motivation hints and tips.

  69. Christene

    Making the time, or rather allowing myself the time, to actually scrapbook! I finally said to myself, ‘you will make a layout today (this past weekend).’ It took me a few days, but – I made one, I am pleased with the result, and it went right into an album.

  70. Andrea Greco

    For me the most challenging item is journaling. Usually my journaling is basic and boring.( date, place, etc) and that’s why Im not Happy with my journaling at all.

  71. noreen

    To finish all the classes I started and really learn the techniques.

  72. Candy

    I am so encouraged to see that I am not the only one who needs encouragement in the area of journaling.

  73. Jeanette Collins

    Hello. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love “you tube” video how-to’s. So seeing you put together a series of lay- outs would be fabulous! I too, struggle with completing an album. Maybe you could make a “trip” or “birthday” album from start to finish including your ideas on journaling beyond the 3 W’s. Sounds like that could help a lot of us in keeping it simple. Maybe a what to gather video prior to each page so we can follow along!

  74. Christine

    I find it difficult to scrap about myself and about the “not so good” times in life.

  75. laura plunk davis

    Just doing “something” with all the photos

  76. Susan DR

    I need encouragement to “just do it” and to leave my perfectionism aside. I spend forever choosing just the right papers, embellishments, layout, etc. Funny thing is, sometimes the layouts I love the most are the ones I did quickly and without any hesitation.

  77. Danielle Taylor

    Definitely journaling! As much as I write I still get hung up on the journaling.

  78. Sandy Lewis

    I need the most encouragement writing down the details – even without photos.

  79. Deb.E.

    I have to organize my photos in order to scrapbook those memories and I just can’t seem to NOT scrapbook each and every photo and I’m in the rut of scrapbooking by theme and chronologically. How boring and stressful! Thanks Jennifer for all you do to help us create our stories of our everyday blessings!

  80. Melinda Wilson

    My greatest problem is wanting perfection on the layout. I want everything lined up perfect and it slows me down.

  81. Kimberlee

    Getting enough variety in the pictures I take.

  82. Sylvia Fleetwood

    Adding my Happy Birthday to your Little One. Youngest grandson turned 1 on 6/1. Everyone is raving about your book so I’d love to get a peek inside for myself if possible. I think my hardest part is at the starting “gate”, picking the papers to use and putting papers together without fear of them shouting at each other. Would love help in that area.

  83. karen

    i need encouragement journaling especially in my own handwriting. and I need help trying new layouts so that all my pages don’t look the same. Thanks

  84. Deb M

    My biggest problem is getting started with a digital layout. I always think I’m not organized enough yet, both photos and supplies. But I know I’m just procrastinating b/c I feel overwhelmed by how many years I have to catch up on. It’s just easier to keep organizing rather than actually scrap. Thanks for the chance to win. Happy 1st birthday to your daughter!

  85. Donna P.

    I need help getting my family to cooperate so I can take their pictures. Most of the time, they just think I’m crazy and make funny faces instead of smiling for me.

  86. Lucy

    I have problems with handwriting is terrible..and i am new to this…Happy 1st Birthday to your daughter…Thank you for having the giveaway…

  87. Lauren

    I struggle with meaningful journaling. I can do a who, where, what and when, but I’d really like to push past the basics! Thanks for the opportunity at an awesome prize.

  88. Carrie

    Definitely journaling…I have a hard time with it. I generally don’t put any journaling on my pages when I know that I should. Especially so that whoever reads the pages years from now will know what the page is all about.

  89. Karen Moore

    My biggest problem is just sitting down and “doing it”. Once I do I’m happy with most of my layouts. I spend way too much “thinking” about scrapping and not DOING IT!

  90. Kenneesha

    Sometimes it is hard for me to start a page. I have to get the pictures and embellishments together. I have to push myself and just do it and it all starts to flow and come together.

  91. Tiffany M.

    My biggest memory keeping problem is memorabilia. I tend to want to keep EVERYTHING. I have a few boxes of my kids art and preschool papers but don’t know what to keep, what to scrapbook, and what to throw away. Wish I had an easier way to store what I have and throw away what I shouldn’t keep. Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. Ramie

    I struggle with journaling my feelings. I can easily write about the 5 W’s, but adding feeling to it paralyzes me every time!

  93. Crystal

    My biggest issue is calling good enough, well, good enough. I work on a page and get all of the important stuff on there (story, photo, title, date). Then I look at it and might think hmmm….something is off in the design. I then fuss with it forever. I need to learn when to just walk away and accept that scrapped is good enough.

  94. Vickie

    I need ecouragement and ideas on how to stay focused and to plan my pages. I hate that it takes sometimes days to complete a simple lay out. I know a little planning would help!!

  95. Christine

    I struggle with the journaling aspect and would like to improve in this area

  96. Cindy Wick

    I need to take the time to actually scrapbook. I’m always happy with the result of my efforts ~ but have so much trouble getting it to happen!

  97. Karen Wohlafka

    My biggest struggle is making time to scrapbook and getting rid of backlog. By the time I get around to scrapping events I don’t remember the stories that go with them.

  98. Jan

    I need the most help with adding my journal notes

  99. Anita

    I have two areas that I know need improvement. I need to journal…I know I should be making notes all the time that way I won’t struggle to remember my thoughts and feelings at that time. I also need to work on my layouts…they are sorta getting to be cookie cutter. I need to use my magazines and pinterest for inspiration to try something new.

    Congratulations…Birthday Girl!

  100. Christine

    Giving myself permission to spend guilt free time in my craftroom then having the confidence to stick something down

  101. Raylene

    I have no kids at home and am semi retired, so I give lots of time to my memory scrapping, however, with so much done, I can always use unique ideas and prompts for new pages.
    I’m in my 4th year of Project Life, do the Dec Daily, scrap holidays, but am WAY behind on heritage scrapping!

  102. Gina Comer

    I need the most encouragement in scrapping pre-digital events and photos especially my daughters early years.

  103. Sueli Mitiko Yano Suga

    I have so many things to try and to experiment… but now I can tell you 3: planning my scrapbook pages to do it faster; finish big projects or mini-albuns and; organize my stuff! Too much chaos to be creative enough to produce beautifull things.

  104. AmberMcB

    I create lots of pages with zero words. It’s funny to me because I’m usually a pretty well written person. But, when it is something like this that will be around ‘forever’ instead of an off the cuff blogpost or email that will be read, enjoyed then forgotten I just can’t seem to make myself commit to journaling.

  105. Jenn Shock

    My biggest issue is finding the time to scrap. That and organizing all of my digital scrap booking supplies!

  106. Lilie

    I need improvement with communicating my thoughts on paper. Would love to learn how to make it fun and enjoyable.

  107. Alison

    The memory doesn’t have to be written perfectly … Just get it done! Write it somewhere at the time – too often I say I will do it later and it never gets done.

  108. Brenda

    I would have to say journaling and scrapping the moments in my life that were difficult are the hardest for me. Perhaps it is because I am beyond them now and even though they have shaped who I am, I guess I do not care to re-live them.

  109. Janet

    Giving myself permission to use the prettiest, most unusual, etc., paper on a layout. And also having so much paper that I’m overwhelmed in selecting paper to use. I end up using plain colors w/elements becuz I don’t know how to use, or won’t use, patterned and/or unusual paper in my layouts.

  110. Deiga

    Staying motivated. After 19 years, I still feel so behind! Haven’t done my kids scrapbooks (did take all of the photos out of magnetic albums back in 1993 when I discovered ‘scrapbooking,’) but 19 years later, they are still in boxes. Switched to Stacy Julian’s Library of Memories method last year, but it’s such a huge difference from scrapbooking chronologically that I sometimes just stand in my scrapbook room not knowing what to do! … Happy birthday to your little girl, by the way!

  111. Marla

    I need to do more journaling. I am good with getting alot of pictures and embellishments but I need to add more words or notes to explain what is going on in the pictures. I forget that someone other than me will “hopefully” be looking at the pages.

  112. Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever

    Happy “1st” Birthday to darling Miss E Jennifer!!!

    How wonderfully awesome of you to be giving so many wonderful opportunities to your fans in celebration of your daughter’s first year of life. I have enjoyed watching her grow and you as well! 🙂

    I struggle with indecisiveness. It is in my DNA and I’ve passed it down the line! I am hopeful that I shall overcome it and not only start preserving the memories from my children more systematically, but to help and encourage my children to do the same. If I can make it look easy, fun and fluid then it should not be difficult to convince them to preserve their memories before they begin to fade away!

    Thank you for sharing your talent and genius ideas with us Jennifer! 🙂

  113. Erin

    I’d LOVE to be a member. Happy, happy birthday to your sweet little one.

  114. Pheeebzzz

    I struggle the most with journaling about myself and expressing my feelings

  115. Ginny Condit

    I have all the digital and traditional supplies anyone would need to scrapbook for their whole life. (Did I say that!) Everything is even pretty well organized. I’ve taken all kind of classes. I just can’t get started. I have a bunch of pages done from classes that I have taken. They only need pictures. I think I am a collector. I don’t know how to break through and start really scrapbooking either traditionally or digitally. I need help.

  116. Judy

    I need the most encouragement with memory keeping in finding the time to do it consistently. If I found a way to keep up with it consistently, then I wouldn’t get years back up, which is almost impossible to recover from.

  117. Connie

    i have really appreciated all of the great information and the inspiration available on your website. Thank you for sharing.

  118. Laura T.

    The most help that I need when it comes to memory keeping is how to exactly organize my supplies. Should I organize by color, by theme, or something else.

  119. Jessica

    journaling, journaling, journaling!!!! I never know the perfect thing to say. I love scrapbooking and capturing memories, but its journaling the perfect words that gets me hung up every time.

  120. Susan B

    I don’t like the photos I take. I’m never happy with them so it discourages me from ever putting them on a page.

  121. Liz J

    When it comes to memory keeping, I need the most encouragement in getting old photos scanned. I’ve got so many of them and have scanned very, very few.

  122. Katy Kuhns

    For me the hardest part is getting my story down and into an easy to read format that will draw the reader into the story, not just the photos.

  123. rachel

    The hardest part for me is getting my crafting space organised as I am someone who lives in ‘organised chaos’ according to friends as I know where things should be… Once I have a tiny space to work then I make pages…. how come things never put themselves away?

  124. bdaiss

    Time Management? I always have big plans, but so few of my projects/layouts actually get done… but I have the photos! (My journaling is weak as well, but I keep trying.)

  125. Jean Marmo

    Remembering all that I want to scrap. I used to keep a list but have let that go.

  126. Jersey Girl Anne

    I need encouragement with journaling. I also have a hard time thinking of titles but I have gottem better at that. I always write the date the picture was taken and how old the kids are but beyound that,I struggle.

  127. JenRay

    Purging. I have too much in the way of supplies, and I can’t seem to make myself let go. I think I might be more inspired and motivated if I could downsize.

  128. Tracy

    For me, the struggle is actually getting it finished… a page, a series of pages, or an even album. It just doesn’t seem to matter what size the project is, I struggle to “get it done”. Perhaps a little encouragement (as opposed to “you’re scrapping again?”) would help 🙂

  129. Virginia Nehring

    I need assistance & encouragement in journaling about feelings. Events & facts are easy. Children & grandchildren aren’t too difficult. But journaling about myself is challenging.

  130. Ami

    Most of my efforts go to starting. Once I get going or become inspired it’s a go, so being inspired is what I need the most.

  131. Ruth G

    I need the most encouragement to work more often on scrapbooking rather than being a binge scrapper.

  132. Sharon

    I have a hard time making decisions about which kit to use with a particular photo or photos. I spend so much time trying to match the color scheme that I get discouraged and don’t even start half the time. I need to stop ‘sweating the small stuff’ I guess.

  133. Catherine L

    My biggest challenge is journalling. It’s hard for me to start and also put my feelings down in writing. Also, I’m not sure whether what I’d write about would be interesting to a reader and whether it’s enough to explain the photo(s) in the layout.

  134. Delia W

    My biggest issue is getting starting – especially with a digital layout.

  135. Alison Day

    Creating layouts about any subject has become fairly easy to me due to great on-line classes from BPC, Ella Publishing, Two Peas, etc – but I struggle when it comes to organizing those layouts! I start a system or project with what I THINK is a great plan only to have it unravel and leave me with a stack of layouts sitting on a chair in my craft room and no idea what to do with them! Help!!

  136. Kathy

    I have the most trouble journaling about difficult or unhappy times. I worry about whether my interpretation of events is totally accurate. I don’t want to hurt the feelings of the people involved in the event. However, I think it’s important to keep the memories of all parts of life.

  137. Kelly S

    I definitely need encouragement in writing down the little things my kids say and do that are funny or show their personality. Once in a while I have jotted down notes on my iPhone, but I don’t do it enough. I would love to scrap those things!

  138. Pepk

    Journaling is so very hard. Placement that is pleasing, even harder.
    Good luck to all.

  139. PatriciaD

    I agree with several who have said that journaling is my major weekness. I can write, re-write and do it again and still not be happy with the results…argh!@!

  140. Lea

    I get good help from a template to get a page started but when it comes to journaling I just get stuck so I usually just skip it and it’s a shame because I would love to re-read what the page was all about.

  141. Becky M

    I need encouragement to make time to scrapbook.

  142. Denise Williams

    I have trouble getting motivated to get started. But once I get the motivation then I can crank out the layouts and cards. Another area that I need help in is organization – at least putting things away and also journaling. Seems like I am a mess! Guess that comes with life!

  143. Linda

    I need help with journaling my childrens’ personal pages with their friends. I try to have them help with the journaling, but I usually get one or two word responses! Not too helpful!

  144. Lina

    Timemanagement & motivation.. Sometimes I just need to much time to getting starting! Greetings from zurich

  145. Tammy Espino

    The area of memory keeping where I need the most encouragement is in just getting to work and doing something (kick in the pants!).

  146. Jena

    So many photos, so little time. I’m a slow scrapper with lots of photos and stories and need to find ways to simplify the creative process. That’s why I like your website. 🙂

  147. Sue

    I need encouragement in believing that my pages are just as good as the next person. I also need to take time out for “me” and start scrapping more!

  148. orange gearle

    I am horrible about getting MYSELF in the photos!!!

  149. mary

    i need the most encouragement to just get started making layouts, which includes getting truly organized first!

  150. Kathy Younker

    I need more encouragement to get my layouts out of my computer and into a book. I just never know if it’s what I want or if I want to change it up some more.

  151. Brandi Matos

    My area of encouragement is definitely selecting the right paper!!!!! I have thousands and thousands of papers to dig through… then, once I find “the one” I want to use, I have to dig back through and find coordinating papers… Ahhhhhh… It’s sooo frustrating!!!! I feel like I never chose the right color paper for the photo, or the right “type” (does that make sense?!?!?) I look at all these wonderful pages and it’s almost like some people were born to scrap!!!!!! How do they make everything flow so easily? 🙂
    I could certainly use some encouragement with my journaling as well. I tend to jot everything down on the back of the page because I am not fond of my handwriting, nor can I find the “right” spot on my layout to squeeze in a journaling tag.

  152. Katie Winzer Wilson

    Journaling for encouragement, or for inspiration, is something I struggle with. I spend more time looking to get inspired and then lose the impetus to journal! Would love some tips! Please enter me in the contest.

    Katie Winzer Wilson

  153. Trish

    I struggle to get started! Once I eventually stop procrastinating it’s OK but then the journaling and/or story telling becomes a problem – especially if it is about me.

  154. Jacqueline

    I need the most encouragement in the area of not feeling guilty and to stop procrastinating. Thanks,

  155. Jennifer H

    Journaling about emotions and real life ups and downs

  156. Melinda T

    I would say journaling and coming up with a layout design.

  157. Aimee

    I need encouragement to MAKE TIME, not put it off any longer. I have been blessed with a great workspace (room), lots of scrapbooking materials & more than enough pictures of my loved ones. I spend sooo much time worrying about all the pictures I don’t have, like ones taken on cell phones, other people have taken, etc. Instead I just need to use what I have & get them completed so my memories don’t fade & my family don’t have them anymore.

  158. Wendy Vagner

    I am very comfortable journalling about my children and husband – however I struggle to include myself on a page at all – let alone to journal about myself – please help me ……………….

  159. Diane

    I’m with most of the other ladies, journaling is my downfall. I wish I had more flair with my words. As I read others journaling, mine seems so simple. Happy Birthday to your sweet little one!

  160. FMcrafter

    keeping the memory alive till I can get it written down somewhere

  161. Samantha M.

    Hmmm… I struggle with taming my work area, and also, lately, feeling like I don’t do anything scrappable. I take photos and keep notes but feel generally blah about it. Just a slump perhaps.

  162. val

    I have trouble with journaling. This has always been a problem for me.

  163. Kristen

    For me, I need the encouragement to add that journaling onto my pages. I usually start with a story that I want to tell and enjoy the layout process, but sort of wimp out on good heartfelt journaling. 😉

  164. Juliann aka The Sick Chick

    I need the most encouragement to actually DO it instead of forever collecting supplies, sketches, etc. Just sit down and scrap, even if it doesn’t look like it came from a magazine when I am done!

  165. Julie luna

    My weakness is journaling. Partly because I don’t like my own handwriting. I’d like to learn some new ideas in Journaling on my pages

  166. Bernice

    Like many others, my weak area in scrapbooking and the one I need most encouragement with is journaling. I find it easy to recount the facts; it is the emotions associated with the activity or event that I really have difficulty with.

  167. Christina

    I am working hard on writing better so my pages will be interesting and maybe, just maybe, my family might be interested in my life when I am gone!!!

  168. Gab

    Easy … journaling!

  169. Fran

    Remembering I’m part of the process, I have heaps of photos of my kids and places we’ve been but not many that include me.

  170. Jim

    It’s getting caught up with some of my projects. I just can’t seem to get there.

  171. Amy Ulen

    I’m in need of time management. I have so many stories to tell but don’t schedule enough time for myself to create. I waste plenty of time in front of the computer, so it isn’t a lack of time. I simply need to be more intentional about my scrapping time.


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