WPT#12: How to Reconnect with Your Stories (VIDEO)

Productivity Advice

The Weekly Pep Talk is a video podcast series designed to help you find more time for scrapbooking and use it well. Learn more in our free guide.


In this week’s pep talk,  I want to offer a perspective shift as well as some encouragement to disconnect in order to reconnect. Subscribers may need to visit the website to view the video.

Your Weekly Pep Talk

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It’s your turn to talk! Does the Internet (including on your phone!) distract you? Leave a comment with one action you can take this week to connect more with your stories.

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  1. Sue

    Love it – you got your message across simply but effectively

    • Jennifer S. Wilson


    • Lois

      I so agree!

  2. Alissa Williams

    Love this format of the video and your daughter is adorable!
    And yes the I Internet is distracting ESP since I have an iPad. I am trying to be iPad free on the weekends

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      I try to set a rule on weekends of checking email only in the morning and evening to make sure they’re nothing major that needs to be fixed or addressed. Even if I am working, it helps me focus and get the important things done.

  3. Melissa Shanhun

    I think this is hard for us right now! Especially coming from a family who LOVES tech and gadgets (We have some hilarious photos from the quiz night where we had to ‘de-gadetify’ for the night). I am taking small steps. 🙂 No tech at the table & no podcasts while Edward is up.

    Typing that out seems kinda sad that I have to challenge myself to do this. BUT I guess in the past days people listened to the radio or kept the tv on all day?

    • Jennifer S. Wilson

      We have to not think of it as sad. It’s a cultural shift we’re seeing and we simply need to be mindful to remain in control of how our own family shifts with it. What that amounts to is definitely playing games with yourself to test out new behaviors and see if they might be workable.

  4. Francine Seal

    It’s been more than 35 years since I’ve had a little one in the house. I don’t remember it being as sweet a time as it appears you’re having. Maybe it’s because you’re a scrapper and I wasn’t at the time. Of course the current technology wasn’t around at that time either. Enjoy her while she’s young; children have this habit of growing up way too fast.

    • Sue

      You are so right Francine. Blink twice and your baby is all grown up.

  5. Sara

    Best Pep talk yet – so easy to forget this and it’s the best thing we can do! Thanks!

  6. Carolyn

    Adorable video Jennifer! Thanks for the reminder to be present to my life.

    Technology can be distracting & time consuming. I try to limit my email checking time to once maybe twice a day. We try to turn off all electronics an hour to 30 minutes before bed (I have 6 & 8 yr old) and to spend LOTS of time outdoors especially now that Spring has finally arrived 🙂

    Thanks again Jennifer for another uplifting message!!

  7. Janet K

    A great reminder and a sweet video. I wish I would have captured more mommy moments in FRONT of the camera with my daughter and myself. I have been doing better at that- even with NO makeup and messy hair..lol!
    Great job Jennifer!

  8. Ami

    Oh my yes. The computer was in the shop for 5 days and I felt lost at first and then started to reconnect with taking walks and photos and thinking about the stories of my life. Need to take those breaks more so will limit time on the screen.

  9. Sue

    Awesome video and wonderful message.
    Time is fleeting, we have to cherish these
    priceless moments.

  10. Dani

    Funny to see this video because I was feeling I needed some time offline, with my family in the nature to recharge and feel better and we just did it today and it was super great and I feel blessed now.


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