Art + Science: Giveaway Winners

Sponsors & Giveaways


Congratulations to the winners of our giveaway for seats in my workshop with Stacy Julian, The Art + Science of Scrapbooking.

The first winner is #164… Jennifer, who said:

Hmmm the hardest part for me right now would be getting all of the ideas in my head onto my layout. I tend to forgo my thoughts and just scrap on auto pilot. (Even when time and completion date are not an issue.) Thank you for the chance to join you on this. I find it interesting since most of the time the two sides of my brain are competing with each other.

The second winner is #18… Paula, who said:

Most challenging is choosing a topic or project and sticking to it. I find myself easily bored (and easily inspired!).

The third winner is #48… Donna U., who said:

Getting started is the most challenging for me. I like to have the project planned out, knowing what to do. If it gets put down to long, remembering what I wanted to do in the first place can be challenging.

The winners will be contacted directly with prize claim instructions.

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Not a winner?

The Art + Science of Scrapbooking starts this week! Register now to join Stacy and I in this brand new, “brain-boosting” workshop experience. I can’t wait to see YOU there!

P.S. Don’t forget to grab your bonuses!

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


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