Book Review & Giveaway: Gilt Trip by Laura Childs

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Gilt Trip cover Most of the year you’ll find my nose buried in my Kindle reading about marketing or scrapbooking. But during the early summer and the holiday season, I love to curl up with some easy breezy fiction and take a break from the everyday routines.

It was thus perfect timing when I was asked to review Gilt Trip, the 11th book in the bestselling Scrapbooking Mysteries series by Laura Childs. I was not familiar with the series, but our community manager Janet Carr assured me this would be a good, fun read.

She was correct!

I snuck away whenever I could during the Thanksgiving break to read more and more of this delightful novel. What I have loved most are the rich visual details provided by the author, making each scene immersive. Childs’ creativity comes through on each page.

Here’s a few more details of what you’ll get in this mystery set in a scrapbooking store in New Orleans:

Halfway between a cozy and a thriller, Gilt Trip offers mystery and romance, in a setting peppered with scrapbooking references, and steeped in the sights, sounds, and smells of the French Quarter and its intriguing residents. In case all of the book’s decadent cajun meals make you hungry, there’s recipes too.

I am just a few chapters away from finishing and I can’t wait to find out what happens. I might just make some shrimp étouffée for the occasion! Then, I’ll be checking out other books in the series.

Giveaway Opportunity

If you would like to win your own hardback copy of Gilt Trip, leave a comment on this post before 8am CST on Friday, 12/6. Sorry friends, US participants only on this one.

Disclosure: I received a complementary copy of Gilt Trip for my review, but the opinions expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links, meaning a small portion of your purchase benefits Simple Scrapper financially.

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  1. Linda Hanson

    I LOVE this series! I think I’ve read all the others…I discovered this series back when there were only two books. Pick me, pick me….oooh, oooh, oooh!! 😀

  2. Velma Garcia

    I’ve never read a novel, much less a series, involving scrapbooking. Oh pick me, please.

  3. Cathy Holiday

    Thanks for the opportunity, I just read my first mystery in five years since having my son, and I am ready to get back into it. Sounds wonderful!

  4. chris esposito

    A scrapbooking mystery series? With recipes too? Now that would be an interesting read!

  5. Suzanne Bateman

    I don’t usually win anything, but I am an avid scrapbooker. I have to have a storage bin for all of the stuff I own, and for Christmas everyone gets me more…need a book to read once in awhile.

  6. Libby Wiers

    Sounds like my kind of book! Something to curl up by the fire with on a cold snowy winter day…

  7. Melinda T

    I love reading…but like scrapping…its been pushed to side! 🙁 Would love to win the book so I can read during my 2-weeks Christmas break! And yes, I’m planning on “catching up” on my scrapping too!

  8. Lisa

    Love her books. I started reading this scrapbooking series when it first came out. I love to scrap and I love to read. This would be a great addition to my library.

  9. bdaiss

    That is quite an eclectic mix – scrapbooking, French Quarter, AND recipes? Sounds like a recipe for fun! 🙂 Thanks for the chance.

  10. Ami Pilon

    I would love to win this book. I’ve read several of this series and several of the Tea Shop series. Delightful writing.

  11. Brenda Letellier

    Thank you so much for a chance to win!!

  12. Marty

    I’m always looking for new authors, especially a series. Thanks a bunch!

  13. Betsy K.

    I love mysteries and this one sounds really interesting.



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