WPT #42: Just Make it All Up

Productivity Advice

This is my husband’s favorite quote:

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. – Margaret Mead

I love how these words remind us that there is always unity and commonality across our differences. This can be reassuring when you’re considering forging your own path.

I’ve talked a lot recently about doing your own thing, including putting your own spin on inspiration, writing your own rules, and defining your own baseline for simplicity.

In this week’s pep talk I’ve got one more thought for those seeking clarity and encouragement about their library of scrapbook albums.

Weekly Pep Talk #42: Just Make it All Up from Simple Scrapper

There are so many options today for scrapbookers; it can be dizzying. Even the choice of albums is no longer simple, with a complex array of size and material options in every store.

On one hand these options offer so many creative opportunities, bringing along renewed enthusiasm for new pages and projects. On the other, it can lead to self-questioning when your library of albums feels less unified.

For some scrapbookers, this lack of clarity about where your albums are going can be unsettling.

I faced this myself in recent years, particularly when it came to choosing how/when I would create layouts or pocket pages.

In this video below, developed for a recent Big Picture Classes Pajama Party,  I share how I found more clarity about my albums. I made up my own approach!

I’ve written some on this already and have so many additional thoughts based on another year of experience. (Will share soon!)

But what I most want you to take away is simple: that you too can make up an approach to albums that meets your specific needs. Whether it’s kooky, practical, or in between, it will be all yours.

The Weekly Pep Talk shares one strategy to help you simplify scrapbooking and focus on what matters most. 

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Rhonda H


    Re: Before Your Story-

    I’m looking forward to seeing if I can combine pocket pages and layouts.

    I have done my timeline, pulled out my printed childhood photos and some memorabilia and am going to print some slides that I had scanned, but never printed. Anything else we should be doing at this time? (Oh, and I pulled out some divided page protectors I had stuck back from the original Project 365…with the website overload on the first day of ordering, I ended up with 3 kits!!! I did the first year, sold one kit and kept the other.)

    -Rhonda H

    • Jennifer Wilson

      You sound super-prepared to hit the ground running during the first week Rhonda! During class I’ll walk you through putting together the album and you are off to a great start.



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