Simple Tip Saturday with Sara Case Strickland

Productivity Advice Storytelling Ideas

As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series this year, I’m inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Simple Scrapper team member Sara Case Strickland with her simple tip.

Simple Tip Saturday with Sara Case Strickland

What is one way you simplify scrapbooking?

I find that the time I have for scrapbooking, like many of us, is short and sporadic, so I need to be able to create quickly, not spend lots of time trying to figure out what supplies to use! Over the years I have discovered that collection packs or club kits are the easiest for me. With collections from specific companies you already know that the theme, dye lot, and overall “look” will blend seamlessly with all the pieces, from paper to stickers to chipboard and much more. The only problem with collection packs is that sometimes I don’t want it all to be that perfect – that’s where kit clubs come in. Someone else has already done all the hard work to coordinate the papers and embellishments from several different lines and companies. When you get a kit you know they will all mix cohesively without being perfectly perfect!

What problem does it solve for you?

Time! I always seem to be short of time (who isn’t?) and when I can just grab a collection or kit knowing everything I need is in there it saves me all kinds of time I would normally spend oohing and ahhing over the gorgeous papers and doodads in my stash. Plus a new kit is exciting so I’m eager to work with it, cutting back on indecision and the normal back and forth that usually happens trying to decide between this shade of cardstock or that one. I just go with the flow and usually the picture just seems to work. Since allowing myself to let go of the perfect colour combinations, I’ve saved countless hours that used to be spent matching paper to pictures and have enjoyed the process that much more.

Why do you think it works so well?

For me, this solution works because many of the choices are already made without trapping me into a cookie cutter LO. Instead of deciding on colours, patterns, embellishments, and extras, then starting in on design choices, I can now just jump right into designing and have fun mixing colours and patterns I may not have picked if left to my own devices. Because of this, I’ve not only discovered new colour combos that I enjoy, but I’m having more fun than ever creating – trying out crazy pattern combinations can be more fun than you think!

How can others get started with it?

It’s easy! If you already have a company you love then simply buy collection packs or themed lines from them. Or you can check out the multitude of kit club companies and find one you like. They all cater to different styles so make sure you spend some time looking at past kits before you buy, especially if it’s a subscription service, so you know you’ll like what you have coming each month. If you’re still not sure about kits and collections, start by shopping your own stash and see how scrapping this way works for you! Grab a sheet of patterned paper, add 4-5 solid pieces of cardstock that coordinate, then mix in a few more patterned papers and matching embellishments – your very own club kit made with colors and styles you already know you love!

Simple Tip Saturdays are for sharing easy ideas to grab and run.

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