On the last day of each month I’m sharing a personal recap that will also be included in my Project Life album.
See more of my June on Instagram.
Around here I have completely enjoyed taking a bit of a vacation this month.
Around here I went to two major league ballparks in less than one week.
Around here I am reading It Starts with Food and trying my first Whole30.
Around here I am learning from the incredible Abby Kerr in a business e-course.
Around here we are excited about sudsy summer dramas like Mistresses.
Around here I can’t believe that I only just signed up for Spotify.
Around here she is recognizing more letters and spelling her own name.
Around here I am feeling sad about Two Peas closing. #thanks2peas
Around here I am promising myself not to buy anything new until I make something.
Around here I feel excited about the eye-opening experiences our members are having.
How did June treat you? I’d love it if you shared one highlight, challenge, or realization in the comments.
Around here I have realized that sometimes life gets way too hectic and not enough crafting gets done. June was nearly a wash, so I’m hoping for better in July (although one short and one longer trip may make that wishful thinking.)
For July, I suggest having just one specific goal in mind. If you finish it early in the month, great. Then you can pick another, but having just one goal will help you keep it top of mind and feeling accomplished.
Around here harvesting, freezing and canning has begun. Strawberries started and finished quite a bit processed to be frozen and finished up yesterday with 4 pits of jelly
Yum! I remember putting up strawberries every summer when we lived in Michigan.
Around here I have found that I can meet my needs and expectations/hopes in my crafting by taking baby steps and utilizing plans. Around here I have a newly purged HD. Around here I have a HD organization setup that allows me to find things quickly so that I can get things done in a better way. Around here I have gotten my Dad to dictate his stories and choose the photos that best support them, from his time in the Marines. Around here we have sent 3 shoeboxes full of slides to a local slide to digital scanning shop. All in all a productive month around here. 🙂
Woohoo! You are doing so awesome Kim. Thanks so much for sharing these victories!
Woo hoo! Good for you for doing the Whole 30! It’s awesome and a way of life for me. It makes a huge difference to my physical and mental health. Good luck and remember that the transition can take more than a month, but totally worth it. Let us know how it goes!
Thanks! It’s been easier than I expected. I think I was just ready to make real food the base of my everyday diet so that indulgences are actually special and savored.
Around here I have been taking Jennifer Wilson’s teachings to heart and am learning to tell the story. Who knew? Fifteen years of scrapbooking and seldom a story told. I find that I actually enjoy this more than I ever thought I could. Mostly because I have learned that a story is WORDS. Sometimes a few words, sometimes a lot of words. Every page, every picture, tells some story, whether the story is about the content of the picture, a memory brought back by the picture or what I am feeling because of the picture. I think this is the most valuable scrapbooking process I can ever use. Without the story, and my albums lack most of their stories, it really is just a nice picture on a decorated page. How would anyone know they mean so much more than that to me.
I am also starting on lists. use them at work, but not home. Silly girl. Large everything list, then list of what needs doing now and later, with timeframes assigned, generous timeframes.
Oh my Patty, this is so wonderful. YES, story is so powerful and really makes what we do that much more meaningful. Excited that you’re finding your way!
I posted my comment here about the Whole 30 before I read your previous comment about infertility. I too struggled with undiagnosed infertility, I read later that infertility is a symptom of gluten intolerance. Once I went gluten free and paleo, my cycles became super regular.
Yes, what you eat matters! I had a similar experience just eating low carb, but didn’t figure it out until after my pregnancy.