Set Limits to Stay Creative with Nicole Reaves

Productivity Advice Projects & Processes

As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we’re inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Nicole Reaves with her simple tip.


What is one way you simplify scrapbooking?

To be honest, one thing that is working for me right now is limiting the amount of inspiration I take in. On Pinterest, on Instagram, and the like. Social media and online communities are amazing for providing snippets of inspiration or a jumping off point when I’m feeling stuck, and I still visit my favorite sites often, but I’m also aware that it can be very overwhelming as well. Especially when it is keeping me from creating (or finishing) my own projects.

What problem does it solve for you?

I typically work on my layouts in spurts – 15 minutes here and there – so rather than mindlessly surfing the web, I use that time to print a batch of photos for my Project Life album. Or choose supplies for my next layout. That time adds up! It helps me focus on what I have and my own scrapbooking goals, and less on what other people are doing and making. When I start comparing myself and my work to others, then I know it’s time to step back a bit and regroup.

Why do you think it works so well?

Plain and simple, it gets me in front of my desk making stuff. I heard a brilliant tip from Marie Forleo once – “Create before you consume.” I love that. It’s not always easy, but it’s become a goal of mine.

How can others get started with it?

Put down your phone and go to your workspace. Pull out that unfinished project and create a plan to complete it. Organize those new supplies you’ve wanted to use and start a new layout. Be mindful of those moments you are using to scroll through social media and choose to use that time to make something for you instead.

Simple Tip Saturdays are for sharing easy ideas to grab and go. Would you like to be featured? Complete this form to submit a tip for consideration.

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.

1 Comment

  1. Cathy

    Thanks for the tip… I am sooooooo guilty of wasting time at the moment on my phone and then feeling sorry for myself for not completing the pile of layouts on my desk. Think I best heed that advice and go scrap something.


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