SYW083 – Use It or Lose It


Jen Schow was the first crafter who came to mind when my team and I started discussing Use Your Stash month. Her “Use It or Lose It” YouTube series brought new attention to the darkest corners of our creative stashes. In this episode I’m excited to chat with Jen about our shopping habits, how we stay organized, and of course, our best tips for actually using more of the supplies we own!

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  1. Leslie E Stribling

    I listened to this during my work commute. I really enjoyed it. Many of the things that you ladies shared are my reality. Both of you provided great tips and ideas on using what we have on hand. I’m going to put my self on a spending freeze and challenge myself to use the things or lose the things. Thanks! Crafty hugs!

    • Teaching Assistant - Kim Edsen

      So glad to here this episode resonated with you! You can do it! Happy crafting!


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