Special Anniversary Giveaway!

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Today I’m headed to Indiana with my hubby, as we celebrate the anniversary of our first date at the Covered Bridge Festival. This is one of my absolutely favorite treats of the year – 9 towns full of crafts, antiques and festival foods!

In honor of that 3rd anniversary and our $10 on the 10th tradition, I’m giving away $30. One participant will win $30 in PayPal cash (or gift certificate) to spend to her heart’s content on scrapbooking supplies! To enter, simply leave a comment telling me about any special romantic traditions in your life by 11:59pm central time tonight, Saturday, October 9!

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  1. Jennie K

    Happy anniversary! We lived in Indiana for 2 years, but never made it to the covered bridge festival. Enjoy the trip! our special traditions have been to visit wineries and collect the winery glasses.

  2. Debby

    Happy Anniversary!! Romantic Traditions? Can’t really say I have any since I’m single LOL!!!

  3. furrypig

    Enjoy your anniversary and congratulations. Ummmm been thinking about romantic traditions. We got married in Mauritius and part of our wedding vow involved ‘as long as we live in this beautiful world’ so we sign cards to each other about living in a beautiful world!

  4. Candi in Colorado

    Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! How exciting!

    Technically, I have no romatic traditions at this time, as I am single. So a romantic evening would be dinner and a movie….with my beautiful kids! 🙂

    Thank you for this fabulous chance! OMG how awesome are you? I think you’re way awesome!

    I hope your anniversary is fabulous!

  5. Kellie

    That sounds so fun! When we were dating, that man I married was SO romantic. He’d write me silly poems and surprise me with flowers ALL THE TIME. But now that he’s “won” me, romance is a thing of the past. 🙁 Fortunately it was replaced with a very happy and solid marriage, so I don’t miss it to much.

  6. Tami

    Happy Anniversary! My husband and I were in college when we started dating, and I actually asked him out on first date, which was picnic. Every September we celebrate, sometimes with a picnic, or the same bottle of wine, or we bake a tube of chocolate chip cookies, which was all I could make in my dorm toaster for dessert that day, twenty four years ago!

  7. ella

    enjoy, it will be fun !
    With my husband, each year we try to celebrate -not our weddings day- but the day we had our first kiss together when we were 20 and 22 years old…So in a few days we will celebrate that day for the 13th time, and I’ve to find an idea to be original that year. Any clue to give me ?

  8. Jennifer

    Have a wonderful anniversary! We LOVE going to NYC for a weekend get away every few years. It is the most romantic thing for us every… I know we are with millions of other people, but the chance of scenery and excitement is always fun for us.
    Thanks for the awesome RAK.

  9. Lor

    Congrats and enj0y your day at the Covered Bridge Festival! It sounds like a wonderful time; can I come with?!!! 🙂 At this time of the year in the mid-west it’s so beautiful with all the color, so we enjoy the local Fall Festival together. Crafts, produce, food, friends & family, and all things Autumn… it’s the perfect way to spend a Fall day together.(Thank you so much for a chance at an awesome RAK!) Enjoy your day!!! 🙂

  10. Trista

    Happy Anniversary Jennifer. I know you are having a wondermous time! The festival sounds like a fun tradition. I wish we were closer, it would be something that DH and I would enjoy.
    Speaking of… DH and I are saps. We celebrate everything. After ten years, we still celebrate the day that we met, our first date, and of course our wedding anniversary – we were married on 04-04-04! No way to forget that date as it is also DH birthday month! HA! Our wedding anniversary tradition has become somewhat of an adventure in that each year we take turns planning the celebration.
    Last year we went on a mystery cruise. It was a total hoot!
    This year DH took me to a fab bed and breakfast – a local one even, so the kids were not too far away, but we were def worlds apart! Next year is my turn, and I am still working on something to wow him! Any tips on how to make NASCAR romantic? hahaha
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  11. deb

    We were married theend of October and root for opposing teams…Going to the Alabama-Tennessee football game has always been a fun way to celebrate!!! 25 years this year!!
    Have fun at the festival

  12. LeAnn Scacco

    Well, I don’t think we have any romantic traditions, but I’m excited to hear you’re in my old stomping grounds! I grew up 10 minutes from Roann!

  13. sarah

    we are still basically newly weds, but we started our 1st romantic tradition this year. My husband was deployed to Iraq last year and came home on Sept 11, 2009. So, this year marked the one year anniversary of him being home. This year we asked my parents to watch the kids. We went back home and had a very romantic dinner followed by a night out on the town in our small quaint town. It was most special date we’ve ever had.

  14. Clara

    Romantic Traditions? Okay this may not sound romantic but it has kinda become a running joke and makes us laugh. Every single year my husband and I BOTH forget about our anniversary. We have two of them because of military situations we had to get married before our wedding. But my family always has to remind us. So then we both race around to do what we do. He always gets me a card and flowers and I make him a special dinner. It makes us laugh and it has become a tradition since our son was born and we got the first year.

  15. stacy

    Happy anniversary! Unfortunately, we don’t have anything that I’d really call a romantic tradition…but when we were engaged, my now-DH asked me what my favorite breakfast was. When I told him waffles, he went out and bought a waffle maker, and now on special days he’ll get up and make homemade waffles because he knows they are my favorite breakfast.

  16. Jenn

    hope you have a wonderful day! We’ll be married 21 years this month, and every year my husband insists on watching our wedding video! I’m starting to wonder who those youngsters are. I’m going to need to get it put on DVD soon though, we only have one machine that’ll play the thing left, and when it dies we’ll be outta luck!

  17. Laura

    Hm, we’re not big on romantic traditions, but one I love is repeating our vows on our anniversary (we memorized them for the ceremony).

  18. Christy Miller

    Congrats! We don’t really have romantic traditions…we kiss everyday before we leave for work! haha Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. grannymike

    Your trip sounds great. Happy, happy anniversary to you and many more. We don’t have any romantic “traditions” as such. My husband is retired military, and we have been married 44 years. He was not around for many of our anniversaries, including the first one, so we didn’t establish traditions as such. Our anniversaries now are apt to be spent with kids and grandkids, just enjoying the life we have together.

  20. Trina

    Happy Anniversary!

    Our tradition is to go back to the restaurant where we had our first date on the anniversary of that day every year. We also watch Shrek that day, the other thing we did on our first date. It isn’t romantic like in the movies, but it keeps us living in romance together 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. Terri B

    Happy Anniversary!

    We like to go up to Estes Park (where we honeymooned) when we can around our anniversary… it is a simple little mountain town here in CO. We were 18/19 when we got married and didn’t have much money (or time since my hubby was in the Army at the time) to go somewhere out of state… so it is fun to go back and see how far we’ve come!

  22. Christina

    My hubby proposed on Valentine’s Day so we always have a special dinner on that night to remind of that very special day and to celebrate our love. Cheesy? Yes, but I love it!!

  23. Heaney

    i never celebrate any anniversary ..me and bf never jot down 1st time we met or date. It is nice to have one though, wish you happy anniversary and have fun!

  24. Lauri

    My husband and I have only been married 2 years (second marriage for both of us) and we always say we thank our lucky stars that we met one another so our tradition for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays is that somewhere in the card or gifts we put a cut out star with a special message on it for the other person. I have found my stars in the fridge, on my computer monitor and on my pillow before I go to sleep.

  25. Talia

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I think my hubby and I have a romantic anniversary every night he’s at work and he calls me to talk for a little bit on break. The first year and a half of our relationship we lived 250 miles a part and we talked on the phone every night. It’s not something we’ve ever given up.

  26. Shannon

    Happy Anniversary! My husband does romantic things through out the year. Well, romantic for him. Like around mother’s day we went to the mall and he “made” me get a pandora bracelet. He said I deserved it. Sweet things like that.

  27. Fran

    I live in Indiana, but much more north then your festival. We like covered bridges too, so much so that we got married at one!

  28. Amelia

    I will leave my husband little notes on his pillow when he is working late just to thank him for providing so well for our family and encourage him when he is tired! And he blesses me by buying me skis instead of flowers (his idea of romantic and it works for me!) Thanks for the chance and happy anniversary!

  29. Lori

    Our favorite anniversary tradition is to each pull out a random card or letter from our “memory treasure box” (we have saved all of our written correspondence from the last 20 years since we have been together) and read them again. It brings back so many touching memories–reminding us of our history, goals and dreams as a couple. At nearly 40 years old, it is so touching to re-read the words we wrote to each other half a lifetime ago!

  30. Renne

    Oh! Your weekend sounds amazing! Enjoy it- and Happy Anniversary. This is a “tradtion” weekend for us too- we go to a VERY haunted park- haunted mansion- crazy clowns- the works. I loose my voice screaming and Mike stomach hurts from laughing at me. That silliness is strangley romantic….:)

  31. rags

    Happy Anniversary Jennifer and thanks for such an awesome contest 🙂 Romance really isn’t my other half’s forte, so we have no real traditions, but this year we scored a night out on our own for the first time ever since my toddler was born, and as we sat out at a lovely meal we realised it was actually our 15th anniversary. Neither of us had realised prior, so it capped a very lovely night out.

  32. Julie

    Happy Anniversary! My husband and I are almost ready to celebrate our 48th Anniversary! We always listen to “Moon River” and dance together!

  33. Tara

    Happy Anniversary! We took our wedding photos down by the Brooklyn Bridge and love the visual aspects of NYC. So for every anniversary we have we explore and enjoy another part of the city we haven’t been to. We love to take TONS of photos of our “urban adventures” as a special keepsake.

  34. Beth H

    Happy Anniversary!!! Thank you for this awesome chance!! <3

    As for romantic traditions…………..what is romance?! LOL We've been together 8.5 years now. We havent really celebrated our anniversary since our 3rd..but we are planning something big for our 10th! We're going to go out of town, leave the kids home with a sitter, stay in a hotel overnight, have a nice dinner, etc etc etc!! I'm excited..but have another 18 months to wait! LOL

  35. kathleena

    Hope you have a great time! Happy Anniversary!

    Our tradition is to go to Disney World and have a nice dinner at Le Celier in Canada then go listen to British Invasion sing Beatles songs, then watch the fireworks, strolling back hand in hand to our resort.

  36. Colleen

    Happy Anniversary! My husband and I have been married for 6 years and when we met, our 2nd date was at the cider mill. Every year in September, we go back there. We just went this year and it was as beautiful as the first time we went. thanks!

  37. Julie

    We celebrate the day of our first date even bigger than our anniversary, in my opinion! It is also the anniversary of our engagement. No gifts, we just try to plan a getaway or a fancy dinner.

  38. Soco

    Happy anniversary!!! I hope you’re enjoying it! We’re about to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary on the 16th! 🙂 We don’t have a special tradition, but my hubby always give me flowers and we celebrate it with a special romantic dinner. 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Charmaine

    Have a great time! My favorite romantic tradition is that we return to Canada every year for our anniversary. We were married there at my parents house and then spent out honeymoon at their cabin on a nearby lake. We love to go back there every year to celebrate, and now we have three little ones to share it with!

  40. Carrie

    Happy Anniversary!! Have wonderful time!

    The only thing that we really do that is remotely romantic is a yearly weekend getaway with some of our friends. So, it is semi-romantic since we are not alone completely on the trip but it is the only time that both of us are away from the kids at the same time.

  41. chigirl

    well, we also had our first date at a fair, the del mar fair, so we go every year in june to celebrate…it’s been 25 years now!!!! WOW

  42. Kristin V

    My husband and I are both on our second marriages. It’s amazing what a difference it is for both of us! The first year we were married, he wrote a big love letter to me on a posterboard size piece of packing paper. It was like one of those candy bar type letters where you use drawings and candy bars, but this one had all kinds of other little things on it like coins and such. He wrote it from our dog’s perspective and it was so sweet. The next year he crafted a HUGE heart out of cardboard, painted it bright red and painted white words on it telling me how much he loved me and then nailed it to a stake and planted it smack dab in the middle of our front yard. This year, he made a homemade “happy anniversary to the best wife ever” sign, went to the party store and got two big bouquets of balloons and then hung it up on our big wall in our great room. Most women want jewelry or trips or something fancy for their anniversary. I just love the homemade thoughtful things like this that he does!

  43. Steph

    We, too have date nights on our anniversary, but a few times DH has been out of town for work. Our other “romantic” tradition which we just celebrated last night is our “last chance date night” we have done dinner and a movie before a baby is born. Our third is due in less than three weeks so last night we went out to dinner, missed the theater movie we wanted to see so we rented one on the way home! Still a great tradition (not one we will repeat though since this is our last baby! 😉 )

  44. Tracey

    When my hubby and I were first dating, they were building a new highway in our area. There was a huge party on the highway with bands etc the night before it opened. We chose a place on it that we could remember and had a big smooch so that we would always be able to drive by that spot and remember our kiss.

  45. Sarah B.

    We don’t have any special anniversary traditions. Lately our anniversary has gotten squeezed between my husband’s birthday, our son’s birthday, father’s day, and three other family birthdays. We do try to get away every year, but rarely manage it the month of our anniversary.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  46. CraftyCat

    Happy Anniversary! My husband and I got married on a Friday the 13th and the #13 is our LUCKY number. Each year we try to outdo the other with an anniversary card that has the “#13” referenced in some way and also has the word “lucky” in it and then we vote who got the better card that year. We just celebrated our “13th” anniversary so it was extra special!

  47. Rebecca

    Wow! Congratulations on this anniversary!!! How exciting! And thank you so much for the chance to win. Ummm…. we have absolutely no romantic traditions that I can speak of… just one that’s pretty private, and y’all don’t want to hear about. lol

  48. Vickie

    My husband isn’t a flowers and candy kind of guy but when I ask him to fix or do something around the house, he grabs his tool belt and takes care of it right away. That, to me, is romance!
    The Covered Bridge Festival sounds wonderful!

  49. ari macias

    the dh and i do not have a romantic bones in our collective bodies. we usually just go out to eat with the family.
    congrats on your anniversary!!!

  50. BeckyR

    Every 5 years for our anniversary we go on a big trip by ourselves. We always go out to nice dinner on our anniversary too.

  51. Sandy L

    Happy Anniversary!

  52. Bernice J

    We are truly not a really romantic couple, though we have been married now for 25 years. I did, however, receive 25 beautiful roses from my ever-practical husband (why buy flowers when plants last longer LOL) and I thought that was a truly romantic gesture from him, since he knew it would please me.

  53. RKSP

    We ate at Uno’s on the day we met, so now we go there on special occasions like anniversaries!

  54. Glynis

    I love romantic traditions! My dh and I still try to remember to do something special on the day we met, which became even more special three years later when our daughter had life-saving surgery that same day. Anniversaries (not just wedding anniversaries) are VERY special occasions. Have fun celebrating yours 🙂

  55. JenM

    I’m trying to rack my brain for something cute we do, but he’s not really the romantic type, lol….Still thinking, and still drawing a blank, lol. He opens doors for me, and always lets me hold his arm (like escorting – it’s a military habit, lol). I like the gentlemen side of him 🙂 There – that’s romantic, right, lol. Thank you SOOO much for the chance! Congrats on your 3rd year anniversary! I hope you have a great little vacay! 🙂

  56. adrianne

    we try to make 4th of july even more special than most people since that is what we consider our first real date.

  57. mhreen08

    We move a lot because of work. Every time we get settled into our new place, we make spaghetti. It was the first meal we ever cooked together.

  58. Neisha

    Congratulating you on your anniversary! Dh and I are coming up on 21 years. One of our romantic traditions is to watch movies together cuddled on the couch after the kids are in bed (or while we wait for the teenagers to get home). My sweet guy will rub my feet with some great lotion. It really drains away the stress of the day.

  59. Rebecca

    Congrats on your anniversary! My tradition is one that some might not consider as romantic as some… but every night no matter how tired we are, we always say “I love you” to each other before we fall asleep. I’m missing it as we have to do it by computer or phone during the week now for where hubby has managed to find work (we are doing a split household each week), but without it, we don’t feel as connected. So we always make sure we say it. And with now three kids under 5 at home with me I need that connection!! 🙂

  60. Sheri

    My son’s birthday is the day after our anniversary, so we always go out for dinner and do something special. We always stop at the store on the way home to grab balloons for my son’s birthday. It’s so fun to pack our car with balloons lol! Besides that though, I love that my husband always keeps me supplied with fresh flowers. Sometime he gives them to me and sometime he gives them to one of the boys to give to me. It’s such a simple guesture that just brightens my day!

  61. Alison

    Happy Anniversary! I’m not sure that we have an anual tradition but we do get a weekly date night courtesy of my in-laws. The most romantic way we have celebrated woudl probably be when he surprised me with a date to fly to a restaurant. very cool!

  62. Karen

    Still want to say Happy Anniversary at the Covered Bridge Festival. My previous post got mangled in the upload. We will celebrate our 42nd in Nov with a trip to Williamsburg and a dinner at Kings Arms. My parents met and married there a long time ago and we honeymooned there. We’ll head to the islands when it gets really cold. I can’t wait as I hope the cold will kill the invading stink buts in the mid atlantic area! Have a great Anniversary at the Covered Bridge Festival. Looks like fun- and no stink bugs!

  63. Jewelle

    Hubby and I were in college when we got married. Every year on our wedding anniversary hubby would take me on a hike up to where he proposed. We did that for five years before moving out of the state. Hopefully one day we will be able to go back and hike back up to our special spot.

  64. Sara

    We have a few – he likes to buy me flowers – usually yellow roses – the flowers that were in our wedding. Also we often celebrate the day we first talked (we were neighbors in an apartment building). Like Rebecca, we say always say “I love you” to each other before we go to sleep – and sometimes when we are really tired and sleepy one of us will say “in case I forgot, I love you!” 🙂 I like to give him cards and over the 8 years we’ve been together he’s “learned” to give cards too. And we both save the cards given by the other. Me in a hat box, and him in a file in his file cabinet – how practical 🙂 Enjoyed reading everybody else’s traditions as well 🙂

  65. candy krewer

    Our first date was also our first blind date for either of us. We will be 20 this year. Our tradition is to still go out to dinner together on that date. Congrats on your anniversary. The festival is new to me and sounds very fun–but I’m in FLorida!

  66. Kristi

    My husband and I usually have a special dinner alone at home after the kids go to bed on Valentine’s Day. It’s like our own dinner date, but without the crowds.

  67. Ami

    Jon and I save all of our change during the year for a day at our local art fair which falls on the weekend of our anniversary each year, but best of all we hold hands each and every time that we are walking anywhere together.

  68. Philippa

    my husband and i stay at a local hotel every year on our anniversary, it is where we spent our first night as a married couple, we walk on the beach, kiss and draw a heart in the sand with our names…

    • philippa

      ps. we married on april 1st … fools for love

  69. Su C.

    Happy anniversary! We do the traditional dinner out but my favorite part is grabbing a “Timmy’s” coffee and going for a drive in the country. Yes, there is a story behind that!

  70. Nightwolf

    Have a great anniversary!

    Our romantic tradition is spending the weekend around our wedding anniversary at the place we got married & spent our first night together as husband and wife. not sure if we’ll go this year as our little one is a bit young to have a night away from mum & dad.

  71. Christelle L.

    Mmmmm, can’t say I really have any romantic traditions in my life since I’m single, but my Dad always sends my Mom flowers for their anniversary. It’s not very original but I hope one day a guy will do this for me too!

  72. Margot

    My DH always kisses me goodbye when he leaves (very early) in the morning, and even though I’m usually half asleep, I love to receive this token of his love.

  73. Elaine

    Yay! Happy anniversary!

    We like to go out to a nice restaurant.


    Happy Anniversary! Nov. will be our 10th Anniv. My hubby and I celebrate our day out for a romantic candel light dinner, at the restaurant where we had our 1st date. He’ll buy me flowers and card and leave them on the kitchen table, where I’ll find them 1st thing when I enter the room.
    Have a great time at the festival!

  75. Katie

    This probably doesn’t sound that romantic but ever since we moved back home by our parents we send our daughter to spend the night with her Grandparents. Then we enjoy a day just hanging around the house together. We are almost never at home by ourselves any other time of the year. We go for a leisurely lunch and just spend time hanging out during the daylight hours together and talking uninterrupted.

  76. Mandy R

    Happy Anniversary! First dates are so special. My romantic anniversary tradition is kinda silly. Every year on our wedding anniversary, we eat at Taco Bell. So special, huh? The reason why is that on our wedding day, we didn’t have anything to eat at our wedding and when we left, we were starving. So, we stopped at Taco Bell to get a quick bite before heading to our hotel room for the wedding night. We’ve done this 7 years now!

  77. Jennifer C

    Happy Anniversary! Our romantic tradition is to get each other two cards for our anniversary – one silly and one serious. We have ended up getting each other the same card several years!

  78. Trista

    Happy Anniversary!

    A few romantic traditions… my husband always remember the anniversary of the day he proposed, which I just think is so cute. And we like to dance to certain Christmas carols after we’ve decorated the tree.

    Hope you had a romantic weekend!

  79. Amy

    Happy Anniversary!

    We always dance to ‘our song’ on our anniversary AND my hubby always makes me dinner that week – whatever my heart desires 🙂

  80. Kelly Massman

    That is so sweet of you to give away a great gift like that… Thanks so much for a chance to win!

    We don’t have any special traditions other than trying to love each other every day. We know we are blessed to have each other! 🙂

  81. AmyP

    Romance around here is a rare flower! LOL! With two young kids and a very busy husband it is hard to indulge in romance. My husband works his tail off so I can stay home with our children. Although that isn’t very romantic in itself, I find it humbling and pretty sexy lol. He has to really think and concentrate to be romantic so when he is it is very special. Happy anniversary to you!

  82. Melissa Rhodes

    We go out to eat alone. Unless we have a brand new baby! then we take the baby with us. We love being parents but need some alone time occasionally!

  83. Stacia

    Well, I’m single now too, but my DH and I used to go to the French bakery every Sunday and get a cheese croissant to share (yum!), and then he’d buy me a single rosebud to enjoy for the rest of the week. So sweet. 🙂 Enjoy your anniversary!

  84. Katrina

    Well I am a widow, but -I remember fondly the tradition of our silly nicknames we called each other-I was Snookie and he was Sweetie. But Our best was just having “alone time” together every Sunday.

  85. Dana

    Happy Anniversary! My Husband and I have been together for almost 11 years. We try to do something special for each other for birthdays, anniversaries and etc. But right now it has been hard as he is terminally ill and we have 4 kids, but we do the best we can. Even if it is a nice meal or just time away together to go grocery shopping. It’s not much but we use the time we have to spend a moment together as much as we can.

  86. Melissa

    We love to have a heart to heart chat over a meal and have a little getaway at a bed & breakfast 🙂

    Congratulations! 🙂

  87. PatriciaD

    I don’t have a lovey in my life but I love to give my nieces and nephews special “love words” when we’re together so they know they are loved.


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