Giveaway: Picture Black and White

Sponsors & Giveaways

While I’ve long been a fan of black and white photography, I have never received any formal instruction on capturing those elegantly beautiful shots. I’m rectifying that with this new workshop at Big Picture Classes, where I will spend six weeks channeling my inner Ansel Adams. Taught by Tracey Clark, known for photographic storytelling, this is sure to be a delightfully rich experience.

Class Description

In the same light as the previous classes in Tracey’s popular Picture series, Picture Black and White will inspire and challenge you to look at the world around you in a whole new way; this time with a monochromatic twist. Throughout the class you will receive thirty photo prompts delivered to your inbox. You will receive each prompt every other day which will allow ample time to shoot and savor each prompt.

Sixty days in the classroom setting with thematic videos from Tracey will help creatively guide you as you capture your vision, using the muse of a monochromatic palette. Part encouragement, part inspiration and part empowerment, Tracey will not only offer her signature prompts, she’ll be sharing the whys and hows of creating compelling and creatively composed black and white images.


One Simple Scrapper reader will join me in taking Picture Black and White, beginning May 3. Simply leave a comment on this blog post by Sunday, April 29 and 11:59pm central daylight time. Your comment should answer the following question. Responses that do not comply with this requirement will be disqualified from the giveaway.

What is one question you have about your camera or photography?

Did you find this post helpful?

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  1. Barbara

    What am I doing to consistently over-expose my photographs?!?!?

  2. Melody

    How do I get better pictures in a large indoor setting – ie. school auditoriums.

  3. Nicole L.

    How do I get a short depth of field?

  4. Christie

    I got a new camera at Christmas and the focus points are automatic, I like to keep it on the center point all of the time, what is that function called? I need to look it up in the manual 🙂 I also really want to work on creating beautiful b&w photos.

  5. bdaiss

    Oh this is perfect – I always feel my B&W’s are too “cluttered”. I can’t get the crisp clean radiant feel that I love about B&W. So – How Do I Do That!?!?

  6. noreen

    How do I get good pics of moving children? I always seem to click and get the ‘after the moment pics!

  7. Andrea Johnson

    Indoor lighting frustrates me — seems like it’s either too dark or washed out. How to find a happy medium?

  8. Sammie

    Just lately my camera has not been focusing well, so I’m wondering if it is my camera (which is a few years old) or the lens. I’m hoping it is the camera so I can upgrade 😉

  9. Karyn A.

    I would like to know how to automatically know what settings to set for the look that I want – I’m still on semi-auto – but using the camera’s presets for fireworks, beach, macro-lens, etc. How do I know what settings to use without the little pictures???? Woefully needing help. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. Melissa Rhodes

    I have tons of questions about my camera! Like, how do I get it to video mode? I guess I need to get my manual out!

  11. Stacia

    I would like to understand more about metering.

  12. Rebecca Lovell

    I am such a fan of Tracy – I would love to take this class with her (and you!) My question would be what makes a great black and white photo?

  13. Susan McDonald

    Depth of field….help! Would love to have more control over this with a how to.

  14. Kelly S

    I have always wondered whether it is better to take photos in the B&W mode on your camera or take them in color and then convert them to B&W with a photo editor.

  15. Amy

    I love the crispness of a lot of B&W photos that I see – how can I achieve that myself?.

  16. khadijah f

    How do I get the most crisp image with the camera equipment I already own?

  17. Justasiam

    What is one question….well I just got a Canon eos Rebel XS, so I have tons of questions! If I had to choose one, though, it would be how to take photos in manual mode. I am still on automode and would like to learn how to get more from my camera by learning what I can do with it.

  18. Yanina

    How can I get better pictures inside my house? They all look terrible. Thanks.

  19. Donna U

    How do I make my subject the focal point of the photo?

  20. PatriciaD

    What is one question you have about your camera or photography?

    I’d like to know more about how to use someone’s settings to recreate (somewhat) their photo when they give settings for how they took a photo.

  21. DoggiNo

    I have recently started shooting in manual mode and I’m still struggling with getting the focus and the exposure spot on.

    My main question at the moment : how do you know that your picture is correctly exposed ?
    I thought it was if the meter is in the middle, but in the meantime I have learned that that doesn’t seem to be the case all the time.

  22. Maike

    …only ONE question? Indoor ligthning is a big problem for me, too.

  23. Helen

    How can I compose better photos? Also, I have recently bought a new camera which has a black and white mode and I would love to make more use of this feature, but how do decide which subjects would look better shot in black and white instead of colour?

  24. Colleen

    DOF-Why can’t I get my camera to understand this concept? I have read several articles and watched a few videos, but everytime I try to take pictures and put the DOF into practice, I cannot get my camera to cooperate. Help! Thanks for the chance to win this great class!

  25. Kim

    I’m already registered in this class! Looking forward to it! My question is about my new camera — specifically, what are Picture Styles (icon looks like a ceiling fan)? I just haven’t looked it up yet.

  26. Laurel

    I have the hardest time figuring out my metering. I keep trying, but I can’t master it. I have floor-to-ceiling windows that let in lots of natural light (which I love). If I “nail” my kiddos if front of the window, I completely blow out the view out of the windows, which I sometimes want in the picture.

  27. zenaida cuevas

    I have a Canon Rebel and eventhough I put it on automatic many times the pictures a somewhat burry? Why does that happen even on automatic? Thanks for the opportunity!

  28. Nathalie

    Whta does “balancing the whites” mean and how do you do it?! The class sounds great, thanks for the chance!

  29. Darlene

    How do I know which subjects are good candidates for black and white photography?

  30. Lydia Jimenez

    What is a good got to compsotion for black and white photos without looking bland or busy?

  31. Alicia McMahon

    What are the differences between shooting in color and B/W in digital format? Should I should I shoot in B/W in the camera or just change it in photo editing program?

  32. Melinda Wilson

    White Balance!!! I have such a problem with it and need help understanding the options much better.

  33. Michelle

    What are some ways I can play with macro photography without actually have a “macro lens” yet?

  34. Denise

    My question would be how and when do I apply white balance to my camera?


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