Blog Party: 34 Things I Want You to Know About Me


34 years ago today, at 5:07 in the morning, I was born.

I didn’t really take much notice when I turned 30, but this birthday has me feeling more introspective about so many things. I am quite certain this is partially due to working on and completing the album for Before Your Story, my new workshop at Big Picture Classes.

Note: If you’ve not yet watched the trailer video for the workshop, you can see it in the sidebar on the right!

As I went through the process of capturing my life from birth to adulthood in one album, I realized just how many more stories I want to tell. And in particular, how much I want my daughter to know about me.

Telling my story will be a life-long project, but there’s always a way to do just a little bit right now. Because it’s all those little bits that add up to a legacy of memories.

To kick off my 34th year, I’m telling 34 stories. I’m sharing 34 things I want my daughter to know about me, all small-but-significant stories that didn’t make it into the album for my workshop.


34 Things Blog Party

In lieu of a Happy Birthday, I would love if you joined me for an extended blog party. Every Wednesday for the next month I’m going to post a portion of my 34 Things list. And you’re invited to join in by sharing your own list anytime between now and February 27. And just as a fun incentive, one participant will win a seat in Before Your Story or have her purchase refunded.

Here’s my first entry:
#1 of 34 | My grandmother had Parkinson’s Disease. When her health began to decline more quickly, she asked me what color afghan I would like. It being the early 90’s and me being a tween, I said “teal and purple” as I imagined stripes like a rugby shirt. Due to her tremors and pains, it took two years for her to finish my afghan. It would be the last thing she would ever crochet. To be honest I’ve always thought it was a little ugly, but it’s also more beautiful than words can describe.


Additional Things: #2-7 | #8-14 | #15-21 | #22-28 | #29-34

How to Participate

To participate, create a blog post with your list of 34 things. It doesn’t have to be long or even include photos. Then, link up your post by February 27 for a chance to win a seat in Before Your Story.

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Blog Badge

When you share your post, I’d love if you linked back to this post. You can even download and include this blog badge for use in your post. Click here to download.



If you’d like to personalize a blog graphic like mine, or even print it out for your pocket album, I’ve got a free template for you to download. Click here to download.


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  1. Tanya Dunkle

    You make me want to start a blog!!

  2. Nancy

    Love this idea….I am working on an ABC Book About Me for my kids…using each letter of the alphabet to create pages about me. It’s hard sometimes to get something for each letter, which is why it’s been “in progress” for 3 years! But this idea…snippets of me, a little easier to create. And I turn 50 later this year…this might be a great time to do this!

  3. Linda

    You just inspired me to start on the project I’ve been thinking of doing for some time now. I just underwent a double mastectomy, and I’m turning 60 in a couple of months. I need to document 60 things that I want my children and future grandchildren to know about me.

  4. Deborah Van Leer

    Love this idea, but am going to adapt it for my 50th year! “50 things I want you to know about me”

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Sounds perfect!

  5. Becky

    This is such a great idea. Not sure I have time to join in at the moment, but definitely something I will think about doing over the year 🙂

    • Jennifer Wilson

      Your list doesn’t have to be extensive. 34 simple sentences!

  6. Vicky Holden

    Hi Jennifer
    Love the 34 things about you they are great.
    I’m going to start doing it myself, so to start with here is a little about me.
    Not very good at blogging or writing about me. But here goes :-).
    I was born in Auckland, New Zealand and have lived there all my life until 2 years ago when my husband & I with our daughter with special needs moved to a farmlet 4 acres 12km from a small country town called Dargaville. Big change but loving it. I have 4 children 3b 1g and 3 grandchildren.
    Love scrapbooking both digital and paper. have been doing it for 7-8 yrs but just started digital.
    Love the idea of 34 things but mine will have to be 54 or 55 if I don’t finish it by April.
    Would love to be able to do the Big Picture Class workshop “Before Your Story” but finances don’t allow for it.

  7. Natalia

    Thank you for putting this together. I’m turning 34 in May, and I’m going through some sort of crisis. I feel like I haven’t gotten enough done, and yet I’ve done so much that I NEED to tell my kids about it. I’m particularly interested in showing my daughter how human and normal I was so she doesn’t feel alone and overwhelmed when she is mom or a professional or whatever she is going to be as an adult.
    I plan on following along even though I don’t have a blog. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    • Jennifer Wilson

      You know Natalia, 34 was a MUCH harder birthday for me than 30. So I totally understand. Even if you don’t have a blog, feel free to make a list and post a photo somewhere on the ‘net. Then link that up so you can be entered in the giveaway!

  8. Lois

    What a great idea – I’ve been thinking of this for quite a while now and I think this is the time to start. Thanks for the chance to win the class.

    • Jennifer Wilson

      It is the time!

  9. annie

    turning 60(!) this year, so it’s a great theme for a page or two… thanks for making me think – how am I ever going to come up with 60 things?!?



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  15. 34 Things I Want You to Know About Me | Make it Amazing - […] participating in Jennifer Wilson’s blog party, “34 Things I Want You to Know About Me.” To celebrate her birthday…
  16. 34 Things | #15-24 | Before Your Story Starts Tomorrow - Mindful Memory Keeping - […] the month, in loving memory of my Mom, I’m participating in 34 Things with Jennifer Wilson at Simple Scrapper. You can see…
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