It’s de-lurking day



Every other Friday, I host a discussion here at Simple Scrapper. On this Friday, let’s discuss you!

Do you stop by regularly and enjoy the scenery around these parts? Are you sneaking about like this wee little bunny? I want to invite you to come out of hiding and post a comment today.

Share what’s on your mind, what you scrapped recently or just any old thing. It’s about having a big party of Simple Scrapper readers.

Who’s in?

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We believe simple is not how your page looks, but how your scrapbooking hobby works. We have a free workshop called SPARKED and it is the best way to learn more about Simple Scrapper and start creating consistently.


  1. Robin

    I’m a regular reader who comments occasionally and participates in the challenges. I like the challenges here because they are fairly simple and I don’t have to use specific products or post in a specific gallery. I mostly scrap photos of my family. Recently, I’ve been working on pages for a calendar I’ll give to grandparents for Christmas. I love how it’s turning out!
    Happy scrapping!

  2. breeoxd

    yeah i comment once in awhile but I love coming here everyday to read. I mean, not that i dont like to be enabled every now and again, but its nice to just learn about scrapping without being sold something ya know? that being said I love the weekly best of products lol

  3. Christy

    I comment once in awhile! I have 2 scrapbooks that I need to get completed for a women’s group. I’m afraid I haven’t made much progress on them. I am also catching up on 365 layouts, school albums, and a recipe
    book. Lots going on!

  4. Amy Sumrall

    I am a regular stalker…errr.. lurker! I love the way you write and how simple you really do make it for us! I found your site when you once wrote during the DSA contest that I was one of your favorite designers and I was on Cloud 9 for weeks! Heck, I still am! You rock! Thanks for all you do!!!!

  5. Tiffany

    I recently found this site, so I’ve only lurked for a short time 🙂 I’ve got it in my google reader, so I’ll see the posts every time they come up. I’ve been digital scrapbooking for about a year, and I prefer it so much to paper scrapbooking. I’ve diligently been doing a 365 project this year, along with my “stand alone” layouts. I will be having my 365 made into a photo book at the end of the year, so that will be new for me.

  6. kelleighr

    I’ll comment, since I’m a regular lurker. I love what you do here! It’s so much fun to read!

  7. PippiPebbles

    I made 4 pies today ,it’s my sisters birthday, and yesterday it was my brother-in-laws! So there will be some serious PIErtying tonight!

    Loved your post about the portrait photography a few days ago!

  8. amanda77kr

    I lurk because I hope some day (maybe Christmas?!) to have a good enough computer to get started on some real digi-scrapbooking. You’ve provided tips, motivation, and time management already!

  9. heatherly

    Hi! I found your site fairly recently and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am a classic lurker (this is my first comment), probably because I never feel that I have the time. I am hopelessly behind in my girls’ albums, and have so far only completed one page for my youngest, who is turning two next month! Next project is getting started on those CD albums for gifts this Christmas.

  10. Heidi

    I’ve subscribed so I read regularly, and I think I have commented a couple of times. I am not active right now because I haven’t been scrapping lately. I used to be caught up in the notion of making perfect pages, but I think I am over that now. Now I just need to find some mojo.

  11. Lisa

    I read regularly, using Google Reader. I usually catch up on blogs on my iPhone, so I don’t comment very much, too much clicking & I don’t love the tiny keyboard. But I love your site, as I’m new to digi scrapping, but love simple, clean pages. Thanks for writing!

  12. Melody

    I’m a new reader and have been so inspired and encouraged by your site. I’ve been trying to digiscrap for over 2 years now and I feel like I’m finally making some headway thanks to your site. Not only am I actually accomplishing stuff, I feel less guilty and scattered and am proud of the baby steps I’m making. I’m having fun instead of being frustrated. Thank you so much for a great blog!

  13. kristin

    Your blog is on my iGoogle homepage, so I check it every day. I mostly lurk…but I DID leave a comment once when you got “hacked”! 🙂
    My current project is trying to scrap my brother in law’s brain surgery…I’m going for a sort of “Great Pumpkin” theme…whaddya think?! 🙂
    Thanks for all your hard work – your site is awesome and I’ve learned a lot coming here!

  14. Kristi

    I’m a lurker. I have commented once but I do read daily. I’m working on my son’s baby book. He’s five now so I’d like to finally finish a book of his first year because they change so quickly during that time. I just finished my daughter’s first year book and it turned out well so I’m excited to finish my sons.

  15. amymom24

    I don’t comment enough, either. I visit daily (through Google Reader), and really like the content. Thanks for all your work, Jenn!

  16. Astaryth

    Fine, I’ll bite and delurk. I recently came across you because I was looking for other things to do with my photos and thought scrapbooking was more than I wanted to do what with the collecting and pasting and cutting… but DIGITAL scrapbooking? Now that I could deal with. I’ve been checking it out and reading here and a few other places you have mentioned and think I may have found my solution. I don’t necessarily visit daily, but I get the feed in my Reader and read it each day, popping over if something catches my eye.

  17. Laura

    I’m a regular reader and don’t think I’ve ever commented: mea culpa! I enjoy your posts in my Google Reader. Thanks for all you do here!

  18. Bekkie

    I read your email pretty much every day. You guys do an awesome job and all your work is so very much appreciated. I’m a fan!

  19. toad toed princess

    Thanks for the great ideas and links to other neat sites. The learning never stops and I like that a lot. I started out as a diehard paper crafter. But a medical condition leaves me so fatigued that I cannot always pick up my supplies let alone finish a project. My husband said go digi and you will not have the clutter to tidy up. It’s a good thing I took his advice. I love, love, love the digital world. And when I have a bit of energy I return to paper crafting. Currently in addition to ongoing scrapbooking I am making Rolodex photo cards for my older relatives. I’ll give them each a card tray or Rolodex wheel with several cards. Then I’ll send new cards several times a month. It will be fun for them and great for me. After all, one card design can work for several people in our family. All I have to do is print, cut, glue and punch. It’s a fun project with immediate gratification. LOL Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication.

  20. Britiney

    I’m fairly new to your site, but haven’t missed a post (thanks Google Reader!) since I found you. Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration.

  21. Jas

    Hi there,
    I just recently found this blog and I really like it. So much great information. Thanks so much for doing this. That’s a lot of work.

  22. Rebecca

    Ok, so I’m a lurker! I have been making some thank you cards lately 🙂 But that is about all 😉

  23. Monique

    Hi! I love reading your blog in my Google reader, just don’t take the time to say thank you as often as I should 😉

    So thanks, for such a wonderful blog read and for all the inspiration you give us!

  24. Dorothy

    I have never left a comment, but I never miss a post thanks to Google reader. I have finally learnt stop worrying if my scrapping pages are good enough compared to everyone elses and except that family and friends love what I do. Thank you for the inspiration to keep digiscrapping.

  25. Amber

    I post occasionally, so maybe I’m not a lurker??? LOL! I always enjoy your articles, and I usually learn something as well. Thanks!

    Oh, and I have a free template on my blog, if you’re interested….

  26. Kay

    Yes, I admit it – I’m a lurker! I love getting your updates and digital tips, etc. I’m a hybrid scrapper leaning toward digital (have made 3 completely digital scrapbooks and I love it). BUT I have so much STUFF, I am determined to reduce the stash before I convert coompletely. In the meantime, I’m taking classes about digital scrapping, photoshop, and other scrap related things (like Get Organized, Be Inspired). Practicing using Photoshop Elements is great fun and I love how great it is to use it. My many on-going projects include albums for 4 grandchildren, one about our Lake of the Ozarks lakehome, little fun paper bag books made into scrapbooks (CUTE), and the current push to make An Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life for each of my 2 grown sons and a “Yesterday-Today” (Ali Edward’s current BPS class) scrapbook about my husband and me.

  27. Carola

    I am ashamed to admit I am a lurker!!!
    But I read all the news and have been really inspired many times.
    Oh no – now I have to admit I am a big liar too – I actually took part in a challenge here and WON it. But just blame it on the age and bad memory……lol

  28. danielle young

    i discovered simple scrapper fairly recently, and i love checking in when i can (have it saved in my browser faves)! i know that there will always be a good read waiting for me! 🙂 thank you!!!!

  29. Michelle

    I’m a day late posting, but a lurker just the same. I LOVE your blog. I am happy to be a simple scrapper. I sometimes get caught up in trying styles that are more “complex” and busy, but it’s just not me. I love that your site helps me stay focused on scrapping the way I want and like. Thanks!

  30. Patricia

    Wow, you got a lot of great comments…love your stuff, keep at it. I don’t usually have time to comment but I just recently decided I would do a blog and know how very discouraging it is if nobody comments!! Great job!!


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