As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we're inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Patricia Roebuck with her simple tip. What is one way you simplify scrapbooking? By picking favorites. I do the same with working with one manufacturer’s products as I do with my stash or...
Fun and Distraction-Free Scrapbooking with Kathy Skou
May 16, 2015 | Productivity Advice, Projects & Processes | 0 Comments
As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we're inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Kathy Skou with her simple tip. What is one way you simplify scrapbooking? The best way for me to simplify my scrapping is to limit the amount of supplies I allow myself to use on any one...
Design Pages Faster with a Color Scheme with Natalie Elphinstone
May 9, 2015 | Productivity Advice, Projects & Processes | 5 Comments
As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we're inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Natalie Elphinstone with her simple tip. What is one way you simplify scrapbooking? I stick with a colour scheme to scrap my layouts. I tell myself before I start that I'll only use grey,...
The No-Excuses Plan to Capture Daily Life with Jessica Upton
Apr 25, 2015 | Productivity Advice, Projects & Processes | 6 Comments
As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we're inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Jessica Upton with her simple tip. What is one way you simplify scrapbooking? I simplify scrapbooking by making it a part of my everyday life. By that, I mean I am always looking for new...
Reduce Guilt with an Annual Collage with Katie Nelson
Apr 18, 2015 | Productivity Advice, Projects & Processes | 2 Comments
As part of our Simple Tip Saturday series, we're inviting fresh voices into the mix. Today we’re hearing from Katie Nelson with her simple tip. What is one way you simplify scrapbooking? As I go through and scrapbook memories from any given year, I keep a folder labeled "end of year layout" ready....
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Simple Scrapper is a warm-hearted community of paper, digital, and hybrid crafters. We believe simple is not about how your page looks, but how your hobby works.
The Simple Scrapper community will encourage and support your unique creative journey.