Answering the question: “How can I stop being a scraplifter and start taking the time to express my creativity?”
My Favorite Part of the Memory Keeping Process (Q&A)
Jun 10, 2014 | Projects & Processes | 1 Comment
Answering the question: “What is your favorite part of the memory keeping process?”
Outline of My Scrapbooking Process (Q&A)
Jun 9, 2014 | Design & Technique, Projects & Processes | 3 Comments
Answering the question: “What is your process, from idea to completion, when you create 12×12 pages? What do you include in a page kit?”
Project Life Action Plan
May 23, 2014 | Projects & Processes | 8 Comments
Just like life, scrapbooking is always in-progress. I've embraced enjoyment of the journey and the satisfaction of each little victory. In this post I'm sharing a review of my current Project Life album status and my top intentions for the rest of 2014. Finished | It's no surprise that the most...
Project Life Organization & Workflow
May 22, 2014 | Projects & Processes | 8 Comments
Through my own stubborn refusal to admit I care about how things look, I was ignoring a simple solution right in front of me. In this post I’m sharing how I’ve structured my Project Life workflow.
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Simple Scrapper is a warm-hearted community of paper, digital, and hybrid crafters. We believe simple is not about how your page looks, but how your hobby works.
The Simple Scrapper community will encourage and support your unique creative journey.