Our next member experience, Photo Crush, begins in...
Step #1: Watch the Workshop
Start connecting the dots from 2020 to 2021 with the Your Year, Your Way workshop. If you weren’t able to attend one of our live Zoom sessions during the Planning Party, you can check out this exclusive condensed version.
Step #2: Get the Free Dashboard
No matter where 2021 takes you, the Scrapbook Your Way Creative Dashboard will ensure you reach your destination and enjoy it along the way.
Creative Journeys
Two-month themed journeys will guide your membership experience, offering opportunities to choose what works for you along with a spacious community atmosphere.
Bi-Monthy Retreats
To help you start fresh throughout the year, we’ll host six virtual retreat experiences. Each session will start with a Thursday evening kick-off event and end on Sunday afternoon.
SPARK Magazine
Double issues of our magazine will be released in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Each will feature new creative challenges and inspiration from our team.
Extended Experiences
During each journey you’ll have the option of joining in on live, guided sessions of your favorite longer class experiences, such as Before Your Story and The Finishing Project.
Pop-Up Workshops
Each journey will also feature a fun, timely mini class on topics of broad interest to our members. Format of the pop-ups range from recorded videos to live seminars.
Book Club Chats
Our Book Club will read seven non-fiction books in 2021. Conversations in alternating months will focus on habits and application of the wisdom we’ve read during the year.
Our next member experience, Photo Crush, begins in...
Month-to-Month Plan
Recurring Payment
Cancel Anytime
No Commitment
Annual Plan
Recurring Payment
Cancel Anytime
Get 4 Months for FREE
Membership is risk-free. You have seven days to change your mind and can cancel at any time with no penalty. If you complete our Member Orientation class and decide it’s not a good fit, we’re happy to provide a full refund. Our annual plan is the best value, but you can start with month-to-month and request to switch when you’re ready.