Your Way
A Weekly Scrapbooking Podcast
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Scrapbook Your Way
Recent Episodes
As one of the top scrapbook podcasts in the Crafts category, Scrapbook Your Way as received more than 750,000 downloads to date. Launched in 2019, this long-running scrapbook podcast features thoughtful conversations with a variety of guests.
SYW153 – My Way with Amy Alphin
Amy Alphin is a hybrid scrapbooker who reaches for physical and digital stamps often to create her smaller-sized layouts and pocket pages. Her style is clean and fresh, drawing inspiration from her family's outdoor adventures. Amy is our featured artist for February...
SYW152 – More Prep with Jenna Fortner
Warning: Plan to listen to this one twice! Jenna Fortner returns to the podcast with an episode full of helpful tips and tricks for more efficient Project Life App scrapbooking. We chat about strategies to prepare for a a new year, solutions that help you work on a...
SYW151 – My Way with Jana Eubank
With a crisp, traditional, and page-filling style, Jana Eubank is our featured artist for January 2022. In this episode you'll peek into Jana's scrapbooking favorites and hear about her journey as a crafter and scrapbook industry professional. Our conversation touches...
SYW150 – More Hope with Brandi Kincaid
Brandi Kincaid has always been a maker. And in this season of life she's added "hope dealer" to her title. In this episode you'll hear about Brandi's journey as a creative, how she maintains "porous boundaries," and her wish for all of us in the New Year. This is a...
SYW149 – The Best Thing I Did This Year
When I asked "What was the best thing you did for your scrapbooking this year?" I didn't expect to get so many responses. It was incredible! In this episode Kim joins me for our monthly chat. We catch up on our personal and creative lives, then feature some of your...
SYW148 – More Digital with Kelly Sill
Kelly Sill is known for sharing all the tips and tricks for scrapbooking in the digital realm, including with Affinity Photo and the Project Life app, through her site Pixels to Pages. I was excited to have her join me for this conversation about including more...
SYW147 – More Art with Caylee Grey
Caylee Grey is the Fairy Artmother at Get Messy, a community of art journalers embracing imperfection and personal storytelling through creative play. She is warm-hearted and delightful to interview, even turning the tables on me with her curiosity. Caylee is...
SYW146 – My Way with Aimee Mertell
Aimee Mertell started scrapbooking with her mom and returned to the hobby after the birth of her son. It's a familiar story with a twist. Today Aimee creates primarily in pocket pages, Life Crafted albums, and traveler's notebooks. She loves to fill the page and is...
SYW145 – An Intentional and Rewarding Hobby
Kim Edsen is back for a catch-up on our personal adventures, creative inspirations, and all the things Simple Scrapper. Kim is my teaching assistant and regular podcast guest. These conversations take you behind the scenes of our lives and our work. And this month not...