Your Way

A Weekly Scrapbooking Podcast

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Scrapbook Your Way

Recent Episodes

As one of the top scrapbook podcasts in the Crafts category, Scrapbook Your Way as received more than 750,000 downloads to date. Launched in 2019, this long-running scrapbook podcast features thoughtful conversations with a variety of guests.

SYW135 – An Experiment in Finishing Projects

SYW135 – An Experiment in Finishing Projects

The Projects creative journey is definitely a favorite because the conversations are so rich and meaningful. This month's catch up with Kim adds to that story with our own experiences and reflections on the Simple Scrapper community. You'll hear about the finishing...

SYW134 – How to Care for a Creative Heart

SYW134 – How to Care for a Creative Heart

May Flaum is a veteran craft industry professional who has learned that the most authentic, self-preserving path may not be the most popular. She has made intentional choices about how she creates and what she shares so that her career sustains her soul as well as her...

SYW133 – Falling for the October Daily

SYW133 – Falling for the October Daily

How do you celebrate the month of October? Creating a daily mini album project has become an increasingly popular way to document the season of all the pumpkin things. In this episode I'm joined by Veronica Milan, who shares not only why she gets so pumped about this...

SYW132 – My Way with Lesley Vander Waal

SYW132 – My Way with Lesley Vander Waal

She came for the fun supplies, but stayed for the stories. Lesley Vander Waal stays connected to her crafting through a passion for documenting the big and little stories of life. In this episode you'll get to know our September featured artist! We translated her...

SYW131 – What Project Should You Start Next?

SYW131 – What Project Should You Start Next?

As the year starts to wind down, it's time to think about how it's really going with your scrapbooking. Which projects will you finish? Is it the right time to start a new project? How can you reimagine your plans for a project? This week we continue our Projects...

SYW130 – How to Break Down Album Projects

SYW130 – How to Break Down Album Projects

How do you stay inspired to finish a project? This week's new episode focuses on the balance between planning and creativity so that your momentum never wanes. My guest is Helen DeRam, one of our creative team members and part of my behind-the-scenes staff. I asked...

SYW129 – Crafting Your Authentic Self

SYW129 – Crafting Your Authentic Self

How does social media make you feel? Is your scrapbooking truly your style? In this week's episode we dive deep into what it means to show up authentically in our hobbies and in this creative community. My guest is Suse Fish, a crafter with a quirky sense of humor and...

SYW128 – Why Stories Matter

SYW128 – Why Stories Matter

Stories are the heart of Sally Wilson's personal digital pages and the designs for her brand. In this episode we explore the memories and meaning behind her scrapbooking philosophy, including how she uses photos to let stories play the starring role. This a delightful...

SYW127 – My Way with Neftali Zambrano

SYW127 – My Way with Neftali Zambrano

Neftali Zambrano (aka All the Neffyness) loves to share her feminine side through floral motifs and script typography on her scrapbook pages. She's our featured artist for August and the inspiration for our current member challenge, featured in issue #88 of SPARK...