How to Get the Most out of Your Premium Membership

I’m so glad you’ve joined us. Before you log in, I wanted to give you some tips on getting the most benefit from your premium membership.

1. Participate actively via our private Facebook group. Ask questions, help others and share what is going on with you.

2. Visit often. Don’t download and run – take time to savor the materials in a doable way and share your work.

3. Make friends. Reach out to those you have connected with on a personal level and build a deeper relationship.

4. Discuss course lessons in the comments and work with a buddy to stay on track and accountable with the material.

5. Share you opinions. Make suggestions about what you’d like to see added to the members-only materials.

6. Spread the love. Let your friends know the benefits of membership and invite them to join our community.

Above all, relax and enjoy your time discovering the simple secrets to stress-free scrapbooking.

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