SYW280 – The Untold Value of Community


When I asked Jo Guihot to join me on the podcast, I wanted to highlight her genuine desire to welcome shy newcomers to Simple Scrapper as well as some of the challenges she faces as an Aussie scrapbooker in a very US-centric industry.

What unfolded was a sincere conversation about the snowballing value of actively contributing to the health of a community. Jo shares how she has created more than she ever thought possible, in part due to the accountability members like her continue to foster.

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[00:00:24] Welcome to Scrapbook Your Way, the show that explores the breadth of ways to be at memory keeper today. I'm your host, Jennifer Wilson, owner of Simple Scrapper and author of The New Rules of Scrapbooking. This is episode 280. In this episode, I'm joined by Jo Guihot, one of our Simple Scrapper members from Australia. Jo and I chat about what it's like to be a customer and participant in a US-centric industry and explore how online communities create important connections at multiple scales.

[00:01:25] Welcome to Scrapbook Your Way, Jo. I'm excited to chat with you.

[00:01:28] Thanks Jennifer. I'm really excited to be here today. It's really awesome to be on the podcast after listening to it for so long.

[00:01:34] Yes, I have been looking forward to this conversation as well because you've been such an active member in our community and we will get into more of that. Uh, but can you start by sharing a little bit about yourself?

[00:01:48] Yeah, my name is Jo, I live in a town called Bathurst in Australia. Um, it's about three hours from Sydney, so I don't live in a capital city. Um, I grew up in the capital city, but I moved to the country, um, for university and never left. And I live here with my husband and three kids. I've got twin daughters who are about to turn 12. And a seven year old son, a dog and a cat. And I am a stereotypical Australian in that I sometimes see kangaroos in my street. Because that's the joy of living in the country.

[00:02:29] Wonderful. So Jo, what is exciting you right now, both in scrapbooking and in your life?

[00:02:34] In scrapbooking, um, anyone that's been following all my posts in the community would know that I am absolutely here for all the December Daily Hype at the moment. Um, last year I completed the project for the first time for 2023. And this year I am more heavily involved. And I'm also really looking forward to, uh, my scrapbooking retreat in September that I've got coming up, um, with my local scrapbooking store.

[00:03:03] So, uh, that's a really great chance for me to get together with people in real life. Um, and it's just always an amazing 4 days away of scrapbooking and that sort of thing. Um, and, in my life, we are getting a new puppy, uh, in a couple of days. And that's really exciting for my kids because our other dog is about eight years old.

[00:03:26] Um, so it seems like a good time to jump in with another dog, uh, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the puppy stage again.

[00:03:34] Yes. Yes. I hear that it's, you know, almost like having a baby in the house again. So.

[00:03:39] Yes, I feel like that might be the case, and I, yeah, I'm not sure I'm prepared, but we'll see what happens.

[00:03:46] Ah, I'm sure it'll be wonderful. So, do you have any stories on your memory keeping bucket list? So, this is something that feels important to capture, but for some reason you have not done it yet.

[00:03:56] I do have a couple of stories on my bucket list, but I did think about this question and thought that I'd add something that's a little bit more recent. We've just been to Fiji for a holiday. And although that only happened literally last week, I don't want it to become the story that's on my bucket list. So I'm really hoping to get in and get that documented before too much time passes. And really get it, get the stories down from that trip.

[00:04:29] It was our first overseas holiday for my children. Um, and get it down so that they can sort of relive it sooner rather than later. So, I guess I am answering the question in a bit of a roundabout way.

[00:04:42] No, that's perfect. I think, yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't have to be from long ago or, you know, uh, difficult or something, you know, really, you know, distant, it could be, you know, immediate. Like, I want to capture this while it's still fresh. Um, for sure.

[00:04:59] So I'm curious, about this trip? Uh, both, how do you know how you want to scrapbook it, um, for starters?

[00:05:06] I am fairly confident that I'm going to do a photo book. Um, and that's not the norm that I do for scrapbooking. Um, but I think that I'm excited to do that because, um, there's, you know, a quite a few options I can do there in terms of getting the project done more efficiently. Um, and I've been really inspired by some of the photo books, um, and I guess digital pages that people do in the community.

[00:05:33] So, uh, that's what's inspired me to get in and do it that way. Um, but I will scrapbook some pages in a traditional format as well because I can't help myself.

[00:05:43] I would say that like when there are experiences, whether they're, you know, a longer trip or even a day when you know, you have like, really amazing photos. That's what I want to tend to lead towards a photo book as well so that I can make those photos as big as possible. Do you think that plays a role too?

[00:06:00] Absolutely it does. There it was, the most amazing sunsets, um, exactly like you see, do you know what I mean, when you Google Fiji. Um, and I got to just capture those with my iPhone and I definitely want to showcase those.

[00:06:13] So I'm also curious just from a, you know, person who lives on the other side of the world perspective, like how long does it take for you to get to Fiji?

[00:06:21] Ah, so it was only three and a half hours. So it was actually a really quick flight. Um, awesome with the kids. But I did have a three hour drive to Sydney first. So,

[00:06:32] yeah, we did it in two parts where we drove to Sydney the day before because I have family there. And then we got on the flight the following day.

[00:06:39] So, not too bad, really.

[00:06:40] Yes. Yes. I know. Like when I'm thinking about travel to, to your part of the world, I'm like, wow, that's the longest flight I've ever pondered in my life. So. so.

[00:06:51] Yes, it is a bit of a distance to get anywhere else.

[00:06:54] And I, this, this topic really leans well to what I want to focus on today. Um, of, you know, our global scrapbooking community. Um, of course it's so amazing that we can share so much across distance, even just being able to record this podcast right now. I appreciate you staying up past your, well past your bedtime for me. Um, but can you start with some context? Can you, start with you. And then I want to go a little bit more into context of your location. So what types of projects do you like working on?

[00:07:25] So, I have been an avid Project Lifer. That's really how I got started in the scrapbooking realm. When my kids were born, so my girls were born about 12 years ago, I had, despite the fact I had twins, I had time on my hands when they were asleep. Um, and I was craving doing something creative and I stumbled across Becky Higgins and, you know, the rest is history.

[00:07:48] Um, and then I moved into doing 12 inch layouts in the last few years, uh, because I needed a bit more creativity, I think. Um, I'm loving December Daily, that would be one of my probably more specialty projects that I do. Um, and this year I've moved into doing a bit of Traveller's Notebook stuff. Um, that's very new to me, and I'm enjoying it, but I haven't done a whole lot, but I've got a lot of plans. So, that's kind of where I'm at, yeah.

[00:08:20] Yes It's always fun to try new things and see how it works and do some projects and then figure out how it fits in your life going forward.

[00:08:28] Yes.

[00:08:29] So now, like, as a perspective of someone outside the U. S., now, obviously, you cannot represent everyone, but can you share a few things that our listeners might not know, realize, or understand about your access in Australia, as well as being outside of a major city, um, to products, classes, online, and in person events?

[00:08:49] Mm

[00:08:50] Yeah, so I'm very lucky where I live because I have a local scrapbooking store. Um, but she is one of very few in my area. Um, as in my state. So, my state's quite large. I live in New South Wales. I don't know of any other scrapbooking stores that are within three hours drive of me. So, it's really unique that we've got one here.

[00:09:15] It is completely run by one amazing lady. Um, and it's called Stacy's Paper Studio. Um, and she runs classes and retreats twice a year and she does scrap and chats, um, sort of every other week that you can go in person to do things. Um, and she stocks mostly Australian scrapbooking companies. Um, so Paper Rose, Uniquely Creative, Cocoa Vanilla.

[00:09:42] Um, Studio 73. So in that sense, I can access those things quite easily because I have the store. Um, as for getting anything in from outside of Australia, it's so difficult now. Uh, because the shipping costs have just outweighed the benefit, I guess, of stores stocking that kind of product. Um, I'm also really lucky because Stacey designs her own papers and creates those there and prints them.

[00:10:12] So I can get some scrapping, scrapbooking materials that I can't, like nobody else can get anywhere else. Do you know what I mean? So I love that got that unique, yeah, um, that unique aspect with her. Um, but I am extremely limited to getting anything, um, from outside of Australia. I'm extremely limited by shipping for the most part.

[00:10:36] Um, you know, anything from Ali Edwards or um, Shimelle, those things come at a huge cost if I was to order them. Um, so that really does limit what we have access to here. And I think even people in capital cities are finding similar because there's just not the stores, there's not the locations now to purchase.

[00:10:57] Um, one of the stores that we have, which is called Spotlight here. They do stock some scrapbooking stuff, but it's mostly the American Crafts line and that's it. Um, and it's, it's dependent on each store what, you know, whose American Crafts product they may get in. So you could find some Vicki Boutin, if you were lucky, um, you could find some Shimelle, but there's no guarantees.

[00:11:23] Sure, sure. Now I'm curious, for approaching December Daily, because it sounds like this is a project you love, do you take a digital or hybrid approach, or do you plan for this larger investment for the shipping?

[00:11:37] So I planned on the larger investment last year. It still turned out to be much more expensive than I was expecting and that's poor calculation on my part. Um, this year going in for a second time, it was only the first time I purchased last year. I'd watched for a long time before that. Um, I am a little bit more aware of what the costing will be and, you know, I'm more, I guess wise about my budget. Um, but I do plan for the shipping. Because this project is something that I really want to invest in. So I'm prepared to spend the money, I guess, and I've planned for that. Um, it's definitely not something I could look at doing, do you know what I mean, doing more of those kind of projects through the year because it would just become cost prohibitive for me.

[00:12:24] Certainly. You have to, you have to be mindful of the budget and know what's, what's going to fit for you.

[00:12:30] Yeah, that's right.

[00:12:31] Totally understand that for sure. What about the aspect of seasons and time zones and, you know, feeling included and having access to things that are going on?

[00:12:43] That is something I have to say can be really frustrating because, you know, simple things like we call fall, autumn here. Sometimes you can't get products that says autumn. There's just, it just doesn't exist. Uh, the Halloween products do, uh, incorporate a lot of fall themed things and it's not fall here then.

[00:13:06] So when it comes to doing things like that with the seasons, it can be really hard. Sometimes, depending on the project or page that I'm doing, I don't worry about it and I just go with what I like and I don't think about it too deeply. But there are other times I know when I've really looked for a summer project and it's been winter here, and everyone in America is releasing summer products, and I just can't find what I need for what I'm doing. You know what I mean? That does happen. Um, so it is a bit frustrating like that. I guess I am in a unique position, like I said, with my local store. I've been known to go in and ask her for exactly what I want and get a collection created, you know, around what I want, um, to counteract that. So I am really lucky.

[00:13:56] That is, yeah, that is great fortune for sure. It's a sweet situation.

[00:14:01] Yes.

[00:14:03] So you became a member in 2021 and as I mentioned before, you've been so active and I love seeing you in there and being just a huge cheerleader for our community. What attracted you to joining.

[00:14:15] So I started listening to the podcast because a friend that I met at a in person scrapbooking retreat suddenly said to me, Oh, that, you know, there's a scrapbooking podcast. And I said, what are you talking about? And she pointed me in the direction of your podcast. And I listened to the first couple of episodes and I just got hooked.

[00:14:37] I listened, I think for a solid three months, almost every day when I was driving to work. Because I live, um, I live in a larger town, I suppose, and I work 30 minutes away, so I had plenty of time to listen to the podcast. And I listened to you speaking with other guests from the community about the community. And it just sounded like such a fabulous place. And even though you were often only giving little snippets, I could really tell that there was a community there.

[00:15:07] Um, and then you offered the Before Your Story um, class and I signed up

[00:15:12] for that. And it came with three months free membership and I thought, well, I'll just give it a go. And once I joined and I was inspired by the classes. The sheer amount of inspiration that was in the community just hooked me and I didn't leave.

[00:15:31] Um. The way people share their, their work and their ideas is really, really inspiring. And then the sheer amount of products that you have in there that members can access with the sketches and the magazine. Um, that's what inspired me to really stick around and to stay.

[00:15:49] I love hearing that. Thank you so much for, for sharing openly. It's sometimes kind of like awkward to ask because I, I just, I appreciate all of you so much.

[00:15:59] Yeah, that's fine. It's the truth.

[00:16:03] What are some of your favorite aspects of it today in terms of like things we have going on or what you might be looking forward to?

[00:16:10] I have really loved the journeys. Um, I think it took me a little while to get my head around how Simple Scrapper worked and what I could get out of it. Um, if I put in, you know, put in my own time as well. Um, and the journeys have probably been the biggest game changer for me because I think I'm in my second round of journeys.

[00:16:33] And I feel that this year I have gained so much from doing the journey. That I am so much further along with my scrapbooking than I ever thought possible. So, I've just achieved so much more than I ever knew. Because I've had goals set. Because I've had the teamwork of other people doing things with you, I've had the inspiration of what other people are doing. I've had the community behind me to share what they're doing, I've shared what I'm doing. It just cheers you on. That's, you know, it just really gets you going. Um, and so you achieve a lot more. Which I think is amazing.

[00:17:10] Yes, that's so awesome. Like, you know, all gold stars, high fives, pats on the back. So that's wonderful to hear.

[00:17:15] Yes.

[00:17:17] Is there something you think that might surprise someone about our community? Because it's one thing to like, I don't know, to talk about it, you know, in, in, in concept. But now that you've been in there for a while, what might surprise an outsider?

[00:17:30] I definitely think that it is the fact that the community is so very real. I don't think that people would necessarily expect it to be such a welcoming community. I think people's perception of it may be that it's a bit like Facebook, um, you know, or a Facebook group or something like that. And it's really so much more than that.

[00:17:54] I feel like you could post any question about anything and you will never be left hanging. And I think that is really, really special. Because even if someone doesn't know the answer, tell you they don't. And it just keeps that conversation going. Rather than you can see in other online platforms somebody might ask a question about something and nobody answers. And that can be really awful for people. And that just does not happen in Simple Scrapper.

[00:18:20] Everybody is really community minded and inclusive, about each other's projects and things. And I think, um, that's, you know, that's probably the hugest thing I think people may not realise, just how great it is in terms of that community.

[00:18:37] Yes, no, I know because I will go in and I will see a great question and there's already multiple answers before I ever get to it. And it's such a spirit of, um, as you said, like, I don't know, but let's figure it out together. Let's see what we can figure out about how this might work or how to fix this thing or, um, what ideas exist about this topic. Um, yeah, as you said, definitely very collaborative and encouraging.

[00:19:01] Yeah, and I think something I've loved too is just being able to go in and I have, I get a real joy out of just being able to talk about creativity at any time. So, somebody will respond to you, and you can get really excited, you know, about December Daily, for example. And there's heaps of people there happy to share that excitement with you, or if it's not their thing, there'll be something else that is.

[00:19:26] You know what I mean? Like, there's so many different creative aspects going on in there around scrapbooking that you're never, you're never left with no one to talk to.

[00:19:35] Yes, yes, we try really hard to like, make sure that we're, there's a place for whatever you're into right now. For sure.

[00:19:43] Absolutely, and I love that about it, I really do.

[00:19:46] One of my favorite things is how generous members like you have been with your time, uh, to host crops for your peers. So you host a weekly session that starts at 3:30 AM, my time, when I'm, usually like mostly sound asleep. Um, and so it is a more accessible time for those in Australia, Europe, and Asia. Um, there's another member as well, uh, who hosts a monthly session that lands on the weekend for you. Um, so what happens at one of these crops?

[00:20:15] So I can't take all the credit for the crops, you know because when I joined Simple Scrapper and made friends with that other member that hosts the monthly one, Kate. Um, I said to her, you know, gosh, maybe we should do a crop one day, you know, on a Thursday night for us. Um, and she was like, just jump in and do it.

[00:20:35] And I did, and it's been the most amazing thing. Um, but I think that for me, it means, like with hosting the crop, it means that I show up for my hobby every week and that's something I got from you from listening to the podcast. Was that if I show up for my hobby, then my hobby happens. And if I touch my hobby, my hobby happens.

[00:20:57] And, one of the biggest issues for me had been huge gaps of time where I just wasn't scrapbooking or doing Project Life or whatever because of life. And so the crop gives me that real accountability. And I've managed at the same time to make some really great friends and accountability partners that are on my time zone.

[00:21:19] Um, so we've got, I think it's three other Australian members that regularly show up for that one. And then we've got somebody from France as well. Um, you know, and we're all spurring each other on to do something in that time. And, you know, that time can be just looking at your creative hub. That time can be just talking about scrapbooking.

[00:21:40] That time can be us sitting down and actually creating a layout together, which has been awesome when we've done that. Um, it's that accountability to meet up and commit to your hobby and give yourself permission to actually do the hobby. And I wasn't good at that. Like I'll 100 percent say that. When I started at Simple Scrapper, I was not good at giving myself permission to just scrapbook. It took me a really long time to get my head in a place where I could say to my family, you know, this is my time for me to scrapbook. And that's okay. And now, because I've got the crop to host, there's really no excuse for me to not be there. So I get on every week pretty diligently. We've only missed it a few times due to sickness. Um. Otherwise, we're on there and I didn't get on from Fiji last week, sadly. Um, but the lady, the ladies knew that and they still went ahead and met up and that's amazing.

[00:22:38] Is, it is amazing.

[00:22:40] Yep.

[00:22:41] You've also been very conscientious about making sure newcomers, um, feel welcome. Um, you know, and this is really a question that's a little bit broader. For those who are hosting scrapbooking events of any kind, whether it's in your local store or online or just with friends, what, what advice do you have?

[00:22:59] I think the biggest thing is to not be afraid to be the host and to host. You know, just be yourself and get in there and say hello to everybody. I think that, you know, my friends, uh, in real life know that I'm known for talking. Um, and I think that's probably, you know, one of my strengths is that I will talk to anybody. And I'm happy to, you know, meet new people. Um, and that can be hard for everybody, like, I understand that. But if you're thinking about hosting a crop and you want to get in and do it, or you are hosting one, just be out there, just do it, go for it. Because, you know, within the community, I really don't think that you've got anything to lose, but lots and lots to gain. Which sounds really cliche, but I just think there's so much out there in the community.

[00:23:51] Um, and the more people you welcome to your crops, the more you find out, the more you get inspired, the more, you know, it slowly builds. So I think, um, that's probably my best advice. Just get in there and do it and be the host. Don't, don't be afraid to be the host to help move things along if it needs it. Or sit back and just enjoy the chatter that goes on around you.

[00:24:15] Yes. I think, you know, if you kind of expand that out, the more that we're connecting with each other, the more that our, our hobby, we stay connected to the hobby and we support the industry. And, you know, scrapbooking continues to thrive and evolve and attract, you know, new generations. So, like everything that we put into it, uh, helps to perpetuate what it is that we do and sharing why it's so important and why we love it.

[00:24:47] Absolutely. And I, I have to say that, you know, when I joined the community first off and I was sort of feeling my way and thinking like, you know, what am I going to get out of this? Um, it was a conversation with another member, um, which was Kate again. Um, because Kate's been a member for a long time as well.

[00:25:06] Um, we just committed to really putting ourselves out there in the community to get the most out of it. And that has come back for us tenfold. We only discussed that last week in a crop. Just how much we've all gotten from the community by, putting ourselves into the community as well. And I think it's really important to keep doing that because I don't want to see scrapbooking die out either. I want to see it keep going and growing as time goes on. And the only way for us to do that is, is to really get out there and with the community, with other people and share what we do. And make it keep growing over time. And that's my hope. So a community like yours is really so unique and special because it's full of all those active people doing that.

[00:25:51] Um, which can be harder to find in real life as well.

[00:25:55] That's for sure. Why do you think it's so important for us personally to make sure that we are, um, investing ourselves in community. Um, Why do we need it? Why can't we just watch YouTube videos and, you know, listen to podcasts?

[00:26:13] Oh, I'd love to just do that sometimes. Um, I think it's because the like minded conversation is really fulfilling. Um, I don't think that, you know, watching someone on YouTube, as much as I love it, I do plenty of that, don't you worry. Um, but, um, You know, it's the interaction that you actually get from the community that I think really makes your scrapbooking special. Because you can ask someone for critique or inspiration or help.

[00:26:46] Um, you've got someone who's got a like minded idea about why you might be doing what you're doing. Um, it's not just sharing something with you. It's not one sided if you've got community. Um, and I think a lot of, hobbies or jobs or life can feel one sided sometimes. And I think having the community around scrapbooking really changes that for people. Um, because we've got that, that chance to have the common goal of documenting memories or, you know, having friendship, having inspiration, that sort of thing around the hobby.

[00:27:20] Um, so I, that's why I think community is just so important. I think we get so much more out of our own hobby when we're sharing it with other people. I don't think, uh, that it was meant to just be something we do by ourselves. I think it was meant to be something we share. And, you know, I say all the time, I scrapbook for myself.

[00:27:39] It's for me to have a creative outlet. But ultimately it's amazing when I can share it with someone either that gets it because they scrapbook too. Or can share it with someone who's just interested in what I, what I do and how I did it.

[00:27:53] Yes. Yes. So, uh, a hundred million percent. I of course agree with all of that. Like one point that stood out, which, you know, maybe it's not as, I don't know, deeper metaphorical, um, but if you ask a question, whether it's on a crop or in the community, like, for example, I, there was a product I was working on and I'm like, Oh, I have four photos and I have one pocket.

[00:28:17] And so all of a sudden I had six different ways to create collages and flip ups and, um, inserts and all these different things to tackle those four photos that I only had one pocket for. Um, so there's always like new ways, new products, new, like, approaches to be able to troubleshoot those very specific things. Um, that can sometimes become roadblocks. And so if we can just get rid of those roadblocks, that's more projects finished, more ease, more joy, and you know, more time going on to the next thing.

[00:28:50] Absolutely. And I think it's so easy to get hit by a roadblock as well. And so it's so nice to have someone there within a community to say, Hey, it's okay. You could just do this instead. And you think, wow, I could, why didn't I think of that? But

[00:29:04] Yeah, yeah.

[00:29:06] Can't see it when it's right in front of you.

[00:29:07] So I think, um, the community, just, you know, your community with Simple Scrapper particularly does that so well. Um, and I find that too, when I go to my in person crops, um, I'll go to retreat. You know, I get to really nut some of those issues out with people. And that is, that is why community is so amazing is that problem solving as well. So good.

[00:29:31] Yes. Oh my God. I'm so, um, what is the right word? My heart feels full and I really appreciate you spending time with me for this conversation.

[00:29:42] No, I have absolutely loved it. Um, I have to say I totally fan girled when I got your message about it. Um, because I just, I really feel like I couldn't live without Simple Scrapper now. Like it's just a big part of my life. I check it almost every day. And see what's going on with people. And, I feel like I've always got someone to talk to about my hobby and what I'm doing with that and where I'm going with it. And it's made me enjoy my hobby on a whole different level, which has been amazing.

[00:30:10] Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes. Jo, can you share where our listeners can find you online and, and especially in case they want to find out what you're doing with December Daily, um, as you get going on that project this year?

[00:30:23] Yeah, and I'll have to try and remember to share more. Because I honestly haven't shared a whole lot of it online, um, except in the community. But I will, I will try and do that, because I've got, um, some of my Simple Scrapper friends on Instagram now. So, that's probably the biggest place I share photos and stuff, um, which is on Instagram at jgandthree. Um, and, um, Uh, I don't share as much stuff on, um, Facebook, but I am on Facebook just under my name, um, if anyone wants to find me there. Um, and, yeah, I think that's probably about it, really.

[00:31:01] That's all good. No, it's perfect. We'll definitely include the link to, to your Instagram, um, as well. And of course you are sharing and, and being such a leader in our community as well.

[00:31:11] Oh, thank you so much.

[00:31:13] Yes. Thank you for spending time with me. And to all of our listeners, please remember that you have permission to scrapbook your way.

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