Jennifer Wilson Jul 23 2012 Scrapbook Storage and Organization
I received this email from a lovely reader and knew it was time to bring back a mailbox feature. I know there are many out there who can identify with Nancy. Here’s what she had to say: I’m one of the many who have lost their mojo to scrap. I’ve been
Jennifer Wilson Feb 12 2011 Announcements
I’m excited to announce that yesterday evening we launched the first ever scrapbooking Q&A Week on Simple Scrapper’s Facebook page. All week long you can ask any question you want about scrapbooking process and projects photography and photo editing
Jennifer Wilson Dec 7 2010 Digital Photography Tips Scrapbooking Ideas
A reader emailed me over the weekend with an important question: I have a holiday dilemma and I thought you might have some ideas. I’ve developed a case of carpal tunnel and am probably not going to be able to knit any gifts for my family this year. I thought
Jennifer Wilson Nov 7 2009 Scrapbooking Supplies
I am stuck and until I make a decision I can’t seem to move forward. How do I decide to either use up the CM albums I already have (from my consulting days) by printing 12×12 pages OR do I just start digi from the word GO and have my pages printed into
Jennifer Wilson Oct 31 2009 Scrapbooking Ideas Scrapbooking Tutorials
Last week in our first digital scrapbooking teach-in I featured this layout: Several readers asked how to accomplish the effect of weaving a photo in front of and behind a frame. My friend Jenn of Scrappers Workshop came to the rescue with an excellent tutorial. She