Jennifer Wilson Jan 4 2013 Productivity Advice
The first time I did December Daily I didn’t finish until September of the following year. By then I had forgotten most of the creative ideas I had as well as many of the stories I wanted to document. While the project turned out just fine it lacked the slice
Jennifer Wilson Jan 24 2012 Scrapbooking Supplies
While I did participate in December Daily in 2010 it was on a totally-not-daily basis. I created an album that I loved but it wasn’t a big undertaking. Thus 2011 was my first year going whole-hog and December Dailying in full paper scrapbook glory. I finished
Jennifer Wilson Dec 19 2011 Scrapbooking Ideas
I just can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away! Over the weekend I added all the photos I had printed at Sam’s Club to my December Daily album and finished up the additional embellishing. I also got a little ahead with the remainder of the album
Jennifer Wilson Nov 17 2011 Scrapbooking Ideas
I’m really excited to be joining Ali Edwards (and thousands of other scrapbookers) for the second year in creating a December Daily album. My approach for this project focuses on documenting 25 stories of the entire holiday season without particular emphasis on