Jennifer Wilson Jan 4 2017 Simple Living
This has happened before. At some point late in the year I’m reminded of the One Little Word project and I struggle to remember my choice. I start off with so much optimism about how this word will shape my year but then life gets in the way. My enthusiasm
Jennifer Wilson Jan 5 2016 Announcements Storytelling Ideas
The end of 2015 was a whirlwind of life/work goodness but I missed posting my final Around Here recap. To close out that series I’d like to invite you to take a look back and a look ahead with me. My One Little Word for 2016 is trust so I also thought it
Jennifer Wilson Jan 19 2015 Simple Living Storytelling Ideas
I almost didn’t commit to a word this year. So many words bubbled up for me (deep and joy most notably) that I considered simply being more open to my intuition and pivoting in a new direction when needed. However I realized that pivoting on-the-fly is a skill
Jennifer Wilson Oct 3 2014 Simple Living
This year unlike past years I came to my word with curiosity. I chose space to as much to challenge me as I did to have it empower me. It’s been an exploration in new territory one that was needed and in many ways transformative. If you’ve read many of
Jennifer Wilson Sep 8 2014 Productivity Advice
It’s addictive this space thing. The more space I create the more I want. I’ve worked really hard this year to serve you better while actually working a bit less. I began 2014 with a very clear mission: to find more sustainability in my week and more